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Yacob N.A., Tholibon D.A. — Fundamental and Applied Sciences in Asia. International Conference on Science Technology and Social Sciences. ICSTSS 2018
Yacob N.A., Tholibon D.A. — Fundamental and Applied Sciences in Asia. International Conference on Science Technology and Social Sciences. ICSTSS 2018

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Название: Fundamental and Applied Sciences in Asia. International Conference on Science Technology and Social Sciences. ICSTSS 2018

Авторы: Yacob N.A., Tholibon D.A.


This book gathers selected science and technology papers presented at the 2018 International Conference on Science Technology and Social Sciences (ICSTSS 2018), organised bi-annually by Universiti Teknologi MARA Pahang, Malaysia. Based on the theme "Redesigning Education for Industrial Revolution", the papers in this book address a broad range of topics in the fundamental and applied sciences, including computer science, engineering, environmental and management, furniture, forestry, health and medicine, material science, mathematics, plantation and agrotechnology, sport science and statistics, covering theoretical, numerical and experimental studies. The book serves as a platform for disseminating research findings by academicians of local, regional and global prominence, as a catalyst to inspire positive innovations in the development of the region. It provides a significant point of reference for academicians and students: for academicians, it is a good source of information to conduct further research; for students, it is the latest point of reference on research conducted in their fields of study. The carefully reviewed papers intend to facilitate the creation of new knowledge through the exchange of ideas, strategies and innovations in various science and technology disciplines, and to contribute towards enhancing the learning environment.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

Год издания: 2022

Количество страниц: 199

Добавлена в каталог: 21.09.2024

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