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Kurosu C.J. — True Wellness for Your Gut. Combine the Best of Western and Eastern Medicine for Optimal Digestive and Metabolic Health
Kurosu C.J. — True Wellness for Your Gut. Combine the Best of Western and Eastern Medicine for Optimal Digestive and Metabolic Health

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Название: True Wellness for Your Gut. Combine the Best of Western and Eastern Medicine for Optimal Digestive and Metabolic Health

Автор: Kurosu C.J.


Combines the best that Eastern and Western medicine can offer in the understanding, treatment, and prevention of digestive conditions, diabetes, and obesity. All the while, boosting your immune system!

True Wellness for Your Gut combines the best that Eastern and Western medicine have to offer in the understanding, treatment, and prevention of gastrointestinal disease, diabetes, and obesity. By blending modern research with ancient practices, this book will help readers stay positive and keep motivated along their journey toward better health and overall well-being.

The authors have helped thousands of people through the use of surgery, pharmaceuticals, acupuncture, herbs, qigong, tai chi, meditation, and life-style counseling. They explain how Western medicine has substantiated a long-held understanding of the gut held by Eastern medicine – that digestive health significantly impacts and is impacted by sleep, emotions, movement, food, and social support.

The authors discuss how sleep, exercise, nutritious food, stress management, acupuncture, and qigong favorably impact the gastrointestinal system. These modalities restore balance in the nerves, hormones, and neurotransmitters that improve digestion and metabolism. A special section is devoted to discussing the human gut microbiome, the bacteria we harbor in our intestines, and how the microbiome is essential to our health.

Drs. Kuhn and Kurosu strongly recommend a collaborative approach, encouraging readers to engage with their Western healthcare providers so that serious conditions can be addressed safely.
The authors share ideas about how the reader can create a multidisciplinary care team, involving practitioners of both Eastern and Western healing systems.
The science behind meditation, acupuncture, and qigong are explained.
Understand how the microbiome is essential to good health.
Readers are offered recommendations of proven Eastern and Western therapeutic interventions that will calm the mind, decrease stress, improve sleep and nutrition, strengthen digestion, and normalize metabolism.
True Wellness for Your Gut includes a step-by-step guide and qigong exercises designed to promote overall gastrointestinal health.
The authors recognize that digestive disease is complex and requires a multifaceted approach for successful treatment. By blending the ancient wisdom of Eastern Medicine with cutting-edge Western discoveries, True Wellness for Your Gut will help readers stay positive and achieve optimal health, whether through prevention or treatment of digestives conditions, diabetes, and obesity.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2020

Количество страниц: 222

Добавлена в каталог: 19.09.2024

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