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Williams-Sonoma Test Kitchen — The Complete Junior Chef Cookbook. 65 Super-Delicious Recipes Kids Want to Cook
Williams-Sonoma Test Kitchen — The Complete Junior Chef Cookbook. 65 Super-Delicious Recipes Kids Want to Cook

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Название: The Complete Junior Chef Cookbook. 65 Super-Delicious Recipes Kids Want to Cook

Автор: Williams-Sonoma Test Kitchen


Packed with more than 65 tasty recipes and easy cooking tips, Williams Sonoma Complete Junior Chef features an inspiring collection of kids’ favorite recipes in a colorful, easy-to-follow format that is perfect for the aspiring young chef.

Kids will love recipes like Nutella Donuts, Wonton Soup, Chicken Salad Sliders, Thin Crust Pizza, Chicken Satay with Peanut Sauce, Pretzel Bites, Ultra Chocolate Cake, Watermelon Ice Pops, and Peanut Butter Chocolate Swirls.
- More than 80 kids’ recipe favorites
- Recipes for all times of the day, from Breakfast through Dinner and Dessert
- Illustrated cooking techniques for easy comprehension at a glance
- Easy step-by-step recipe instructions make cooking easy
- Gorgeous color photography provides visual inspiration
- Perfect for kids age 8-12

Aspiring junior chefs will never be at a loss about what to cook again. With this yummy and comprehensive collection of kid favorites, young cooks will learn to master their favorite recipes with easy step-by-step instructions, helpful illustrations, and beautiful color photography to guide them.

Whether the objective is a family breakfast for four, pasta for supper, soup on a cold day, or ice cream on a hot one—the recipes in this colorful book ensure that a yummy kid-friendly recipe is always close at hand and easy to accomplish. Fresh-tasting recipes appeal to kids and adults alike, and many offer simple variations for picky eaters. All will appreciate the colorful graphics and photography throughout.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2018

Количество страниц: 128

Добавлена в каталог: 11.08.2024

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