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Williams-Sonoma Test Kitchen — The Instant Pot Deserts Cookbook
Williams-Sonoma Test Kitchen — The Instant Pot Deserts Cookbook

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Название: The Instant Pot Deserts Cookbook

Автор: Williams-Sonoma Test Kitchen


One of the first dessert cookbooks officially endorsed by the Instant Pot brand, Instant Pot Desserts is testament to the versatility and functionality of the popular multicooker with more than 20 recipes for cakes, puddings, and other sweet treats developed by the Williams Sonoma Test Kitchen.

From cheesecakes and sweet breads to fresh fruit desserts, the Instant Pot takes the guesswork out of conventional baking and eliminates common pitfalls. In these colorful, inspirational pages, home bakers can cook through more than 20 dessert recipes crafted specifically for the Instant Pot, including favorites like Chocolate Chip Banana Bread, Key Lime Pie, and Carrot Cake. Even trickier desserts such as Salted Caramel Cheesecake, Classic Rice Pudding, and Brown Sugar Peach Cobbler cook perfectly in the pressurized steam of the Instant Pot. With its full-color photographs and straightforward instructions, Instant Pot Desserts offers a broad range of ideas for getting the most out of one’s Instant Pot. The Williams Sonoma Test Kitchen continues its tradition of excellence and innovation by providing enticing recipes that make the most of the company’s featured appliances. Williams Sonoma Test Kitchen’s Instant Pot Desserts Cookbook is the twenty-first title in the Test Kitchen series.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2019

Количество страниц: 229

Добавлена в каталог: 10.08.2024

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