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Hernandez P., Smith E. — The Chilean Kitchen: 75 Seasonal Recipes for Stews, Breads, Salads, Cocktails, Desserts, and More
Hernandez P., Smith E. — The Chilean Kitchen: 75 Seasonal Recipes for Stews, Breads, Salads, Cocktails, Desserts, and More

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Название: The Chilean Kitchen: 75 Seasonal Recipes for Stews, Breads, Salads, Cocktails, Desserts, and More

Авторы: Hernandez P., Smith E.


These authentic recipes will bring classic Chilean flavors to your doorstep!

The Spanish phrase quédate un poquito, or “stay a while,” is the essence of Chilean hospitality—one does not “stop by for a quick bite” in Chile. Comprised of more than seventy authentic Chilean recipes, organized seasonally for maximum freshness, and tweaked ever-so-slightly to fit neatly into the US market, this book creates an accessible, authentic, and uniquely Chilean cooking experience. It marries Pilar’s family recipes and Eileen’s astute writings, which make even those who have never visited Chile feel like they have found home.

Seasonality is the backbone of the Chilean table—each of the four seasonal sections will include a short opening essay to prepare the reader for the bounty of the season. A unique fifth section is included for La Once, or tea time, which transcends the seasons but is quintessentially and irrevocably Chilean.

Mouthwatering recipes include:

​ - Caramelized onion empanadas
- Double crusted spinach pie
- Grilled steak soup
- Pickled chicken thighs
- Spicy pork ribs
- Tomato shrimp stew
- Dulce de leche thousand layer cake
- Chilean white sangria
- So many more!

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2020

Количество страниц: 295

Добавлена в каталог: 08.08.2024

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