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Chestnut B. — The Enneagram. Guide to Waking Up
Chestnut B. — The Enneagram. Guide to Waking Up

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Название: The Enneagram. Guide to Waking Up

Автор: Chestnut B.


This is a personal transformation book rooted in the wisdom of the Enneagram system of personality types. It is a book about waking up and growing into the best version of yourself. It is a book that shows you how to discover who you are and what you can be. It is a book about finding your path, facing your shadow, and discovering your true self.

It is a good news–bad news–good news story. The good news: you survived childhood. The bad news: in order to grow, you are going to experience some pain. The really good news: you can use your negative habits as a springboard to move beyond them. With a commitment to self-observation and reflection, you can develop greater self-awareness and open yourself up to a life filled with exciting choices and opportunities.
Each of the nine chapters includes these features:
- The problematic perspective, the process of self-discovery, and the path forward for that type
- How the main issues for that type get played out in 3 different ways—the 3 distinct sub-types of the main type (necessary for pinpoint accuracy in describing your personality and your path of growth)
Chestnut and Paes, two leading Enneagram teachers, frame this approach to personality types in a way that is accessible, practical, and filled with possibility.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2021

Количество страниц: 265

Добавлена в каталог: 08.08.2024

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