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Williams-Sonoma Test Kitchen — The Salt Plate Cookbook. Recipes for Quick, Easy, and Perfectly Seasoned Meals
Williams-Sonoma Test Kitchen — The Salt Plate Cookbook. Recipes for Quick, Easy, and Perfectly Seasoned Meals

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Название: The Salt Plate Cookbook. Recipes for Quick, Easy, and Perfectly Seasoned Meals

Автор: Williams-Sonoma Test Kitchen


Sourced from Himalayan pink salt deposits, the Williams-Sonoma salt plate will change the way you cook and serve food. Now the Williams-Sonoma Test Kitchen has created The Salt Plate Cookbook—your foolproof guide to working with its bestselling salt plate.

It opens up the world of salt block cooking and shows you how to enjoy it in exciting new ways—on the stovetop, on the outdoor grill, in the oven, in the freezer. Start your day with a salt-fried egg with maple-sage breakfast sausage, enjoy a salt-grilled Pizza Margarita for lunch, try chicken satay and smashed potatoes with chimichurri for dinner, and top the whole day off with a salt roof sundae—all made using the salt plate. Other delicious dishes include salt-seared sea scallops, quinoa tomato and feta-stuffed portobellos, beef tartare, herb marinated vegetable skewers, and more. No matter the dish, the salt plate cookbook will take your meal to the next level.

For the salt plate user and home chef, there is no better resource.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2015

Количество страниц: 56

Добавлена в каталог: 04.08.2024

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