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Morrison A. — World Tourism Cities: A Systematic Approach to Urban Tourism
Morrison A. — World Tourism Cities: A Systematic Approach to Urban Tourism

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Название: World Tourism Cities: A Systematic Approach to Urban Tourism

Автор: Morrison A.


World Tourism Cities: A Systematic Approach to Urban Tourism is a unique and contemporary textbook that addresses the particular situation of urban tourism destinations in the 2020s by reviewing key issues, trends, challenges and future opportunities for urban tourism destinations worldwide, as well as city destination management.

The book is divided into four parts, with Part I providing background chapters on world tourism cities. It begins by clearly defining world tourism cities and explaining the impacts of globalisation and urbanisation on these cities. The subsequent chapter explains the urban tourism phenomenon and traces its growth. Part II presents city destination management, planning and development and the marketing and branding of cities, offering practical solutions and approaches. Part III discusses major issues and trends in world tourism cities including resident well-being and quality of life, sustainability, smart tourism, crises and the rise of tourism in Asian cities, and the final part identifies the future opportunities for city tourism.

Written in a student-friendly tone, the book is richly illustrated and contains several engaging features, including Sweet tweets (snippets of information on cities) and Short breaks (detailed case studies on cities). This will be essential reading for all tourism students.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Вокруг света - страноведение/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2021

Количество страниц: 360

Добавлена в каталог: 03.08.2024

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