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David M. Buss — The Oxford Handbook of Human Mating
David M. Buss — The Oxford Handbook of Human Mating

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Название: The Oxford Handbook of Human Mating

Автор: David M. Buss


In sexually reproducing species, mating success is a non - negotiable requirement for
evolutionary fitness. Consequently, selection has created a rich array of adaptations that
are products of a long and unbroken line of human ancestors, each of whom succeeded in
the complex game of mating. This Handbook showcases the current state of knowledge
about those adaptations. These include mate preferences, tactics of attraction, forms of
mate competition, tactics for dealing with sexual conflict, modes of mate retention, mate
switching strategies, and many more. Chapters on the endocrinology of mating adaptations
provide state-of-the-art knowledge about some of the key biological drivers. Chapters
on mating in the modern world highlight key ways in which mating adaptations, forged
over millions of years in environments long gone, get expressed in modern environments,
sometimes creating evolutionary mismatches. This Handbook is not the final word on
human mating strategies. Rather, it gives readers and researchers an impressive foundation
of what is known and unknown, and importantly, a roadmap for future discoveries about
what may be the most complex evolved psychology humans possess.

Язык: en

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2023

Количество страниц: 865

Добавлена в каталог: 26.05.2024

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