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Vančová A., Sibgatullina-Denis I. — Interdisciplinary analysis and reflection of inclusion studies: Monograph
Vančová A., Sibgatullina-Denis I. — Interdisciplinary analysis and reflection of inclusion studies: Monograph

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Название: Interdisciplinary analysis and reflection of inclusion studies: Monograph

Авторы: Vančová A., Sibgatullina-Denis I.


The monograph presents an interdisciplinary analysis and reflection on research in inclusion. The authors offer an interpretation of the various research findings for practitioners. The book goes on to describe a multi-dimensional approach to inclusion and integration, which has proven to be in demand and applicable in the best international strategies for inclusion. The material in the book is notable for the intensity of the author's scientific and practical approaches and requires interaction with their developers in the case of project implementation. Selected contributions from the book form part of the authors' first joint monograph, Diversity and Benchmarking for Inclusion, which was published earlier. The book presents the results of research with involved participants in inclusion projects carried out by the authors in Slovakia, Austria and other countries.

The materials in the monograph are of an applied nature, addressed to researchers of inclusion, special educators, rehabilitation therapists and psychologists. The materials of the book can be applied in regional education systems in higher teacher education modules to train teacher educators for inclusive systems. The theoretical part is relevant to the activities of international research teams. The practical materials can be used in educational organisations and centres and in work with children and adults with special needs and their families. The materials in this book can be applied to conceptual strategies for organising inclusive living environments in any region of the world.

All rights reserved. Any use of the texts in teaching, research, practical work,reports and presentations must make reference to the contents of the monograph and the authors.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Педагогика и образование/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2022

Количество страниц: 128

Добавлена в каталог: 19.05.2024

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