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Osborne S. P. — Public Service Logic
Osborne S. P. — Public Service Logic

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Название: Public Service Logic

Автор: Osborne S. P.


This book is based upon and extends the theoretical and empirical work
of the author over the last decade. It integrates material deriving from his
previous conceptual and empirical work in this field, together with new
empirical evidence from emerging research.
Public Service Logic challenges the product-dominant assumptions of
the New Public Management (NPM) about the nature and management
of public service delivery. Whilst the NPM has led to some important developments in public management, it has also had significant limitations
and weaknesses. This book presents an alternative to this, as a framework for the future delivery and reform of public services globally. It
draws upon the extant literature in the field of service management to
argue for a Public Service Logic (PSL) for the delivery of public services.
This situates public service delivery within the vibrant and influential
field of service-dominant research and theory. It argues that effective
public service management requires both that these services are understood as services and not as products and that, consequently, public service management requires a focus on value creation as its over-arching
The book presents a major new framework of value creation for public
service delivery as a basis for public service reform, explores the role of
service managers and staff and of citizens and service users in this value
creation process, and evaluates the implications of this new framework
for the strategic and operational management of public service delivery,
their performance management and the development and innovation of
new forms of public services. It will be of interest to researchers and students in the fields of public management and public administration, as
well as to policy makers and public service managers.


Рубрика: Социология/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2021

Количество страниц: 205

Добавлена в каталог: 05.03.2024

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