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Ena Pedersen — Ena Pedersen
Ena Pedersen — Ena Pedersen

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Название: Ena Pedersen

Автор: Ena Pedersen


The main focus of this book is the life and work of the German-Jewish exile writer, Heniy William Katz. Although he was awarded the first Heinrich-HeinePrize in exile by the Schutzverband deutscher Schriftsteller im Exil in 1937, Katz has largely been forgotten by scholars and critics for the past fifty years. Indeed, this is the first scholarly treatment of his work. Through an analysis of Katz's works, it is further my hope to shed light on aspects of German-Jewish exile literature, such as the writings of and about Eastern European Jews, which have only been treated marginally in the existing body of research. In which ways is Katz distinctive, why did he disappear into obscurity for so long, and to what extent is he representative of German-Jewish writers in exile? This introduction will seek to give an overview of the cultural, religious, and political demography of the German exiles, focussing, in particular, on the problems faced by Jewish emigrants. Are there any major differences between the Jewish and the non-Jewish exile experience and its reflection in the literature of the period, and, if so, how can these differences be explained?

Язык: en

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2001

Количество страниц: 204

Добавлена в каталог: 21.05.2023

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