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Kozlov V., Mazya V., Rossmann J. — Spectral problems associated with corner singularities of solutions to elliptic equations |
Предметный указатель |
-regular boundary conditions 297
Adjoint operator pencil 15
Admissible operator 27
Adolfsson, V. 58 417
Agmon, S. 31 255 320 344 417
Agranovich, M.S. 31 50 255 260 417
Algebraic multiplicity 11
Andersson, B. 59 138 417
Andrae, H. 138 419
Anisotropic elasticity 133 303 414
Apel, T. 219 417
Aronszajn, N. 389 417
Ashbaugh, M.S. 49 57 417
Aziz, A.K. 58 417
Babuska, I. 59 138 248 417 427
Bateman, H. 97 330 417
Bazant, Z.P. 105 132 138 417
Beagles, A.E. 59 105 417
Beltrami operator 40
Ben M'Barek 33 417
Benguria, R.D. 49 57 417
Benthem, J.P. 138 417
Biharmonic equation 227
Birman, M.Sh. 58 418
Blum, H. 248 418
Boersma, J. 58 418
Boussinesq, M.J. 97 176 418
Brown, S.N. 53 58 418
Bumb, H. 138 428
Canonical system 11
Capacity 43 90
Chavel, I. 57 418
Cherepanov, G.P. 105 123 418
Costabel, M. 105 138 291 418
Courant, R. 42 45 418
Dahlberg, B.E.J. 59 106 249 418
Dauge 29 32 58 105 138 196 290 345 418
Deny, J. 91 418
Deuring, P. 197 418
Dimitrov, A. 138 419
Dirichlet conditions 298
Donchev, T. 249 423
Douglis, A. 27 320 344 417 419
Eck, C. 138 419
Eigenvalue 10
Eigenvector 10
Energy line 17
Energy strip 17
Erdelyi, A. 97 330 417
Eskin, G.I. 31 32 291 419
Estenssoro, L.F. 138 417
Faber, G. 57 419
Fabes, E.B. 106 197 419
Falk, U. 138 417
Fichera, G. 58 59 419
Fourier transform 323 335
Fredholm operator 10
Friedland, S. 44 419
Fufaev, V.V. 58 419
Gantmakher, F. 265 270 419
Garding, L. 372
Gel'fand, I.M. 322 328 382 400 419
Gel'fond, O.A. 269 419
Generalized eigenvector 11
Generating function 66
Geometric multiplicity 10
Ghahremani, F. 138 419
Girault, V. 192 419
Gobert, J. 111 419
Gohberg, I. 12 13 32 67 419
Goldberg, S. 12 13 32 419
Green formula 377
Green function 104 194 313 358
Grisvard 29 58 105 138 197 248 291 419
Gromov, M. 32 420
Hanna, M.S. 58 420
Hayman, W.K. 44 419
Hilbert, D. 42 45 418
Hinder, R. 58 420
Holomorphic operator function 12
Hooke law 107 110 133
Hsiao, G. 138 420
Hussain, M.A. 138 426
Index of an eigenvalue 11
Index of an operator 29
Indicator 301
Inverse Fourier transform 339
Isoperimetric property 44 49 57
Jerison, D. 58 417 420
John, F. 313 317 344 420
Jordan chain 11
Kaashoek, M.A. 12 13 32 419
Kalex, H.-U. 225 420
Kato, T. 22 238 420
Keer, M. 105 132 417
Keldysh, M.V. 32 420
Keller, J.B. 58 420
Kellogg, R.B. 33 58 196 420 428
Kelvin transform 40 62 83 139 154
Kenig, C.E. 59 106 197 249 418 420
Komech, A.I. 58 291 421
Kondrat'ev, V.A. 29 31 58 106 248 291 387 421
Kopachek, I. 106 249 421
Kopasenko, V.V. 138 428
Korn's inequality 390
Kozlov, V.A. 13 29 32 58 105 138 178 197 225 248 291 305 344 387 417 421
Krahn, E. 57 422
Krasnosel'skii, M.A. 42 422
Kufner, A. 58 422
Ladyzhenskaya, O.A. 192 423
Lame system 61 385
Lancaster, P. 67 419
Landkof, N.S. 43 91 423
Laplace operator 36 40
Leading part of a differential operator 27
Leguillon, D. 33 138 423
Lemrabet, K. 33 423
Levin, A.V. 57 423
| Levin, B.J. 301 423
Liebowitz, H. 105 423
Lions, J.-L. 35 91 225 418 423
Local coerciveness 389
Lopatinskii, Ya, B. 31 32 423
Lozi, R. 196 423
Magenes, E. 35 225 423
Magnus, W. 44 423
Malvern, L.E. 78 110 423
Markus, A.S. 32 423
Maslovskaya, L.V. 248 423
Maximum principle 104
Maz'ya, V.G. 13 29 32 43 45 52 57 105 138 142 178 194 197 199 225 247 289 344 384 387 389 417 422 427
Meister, E. 33 58 420 425
Mellin transform 9 356
Melrose, R.B. 32 425
Melzer, H. 248 425
Mennicken, R. 32 425
Merigot, M. 33 417
Merzon, A.E. 291 421
Mikhlin, S.G. 40 425
Miranda — Agmon maximum principle 247 249
Moeller, M. 32 425
Morozov, N.F. 248 423
Nadirashvili, N.S. 45 57 425
Nazarov, S.A. 29 32 52 58 138 290 344 384 387 419 423
Neumann conditions 298
Nicaise, S. 33 58 105 138 291 417 425
Nikishkin, V.A. 291 426
Nikol'skii, S.M. 58 426
Nirenberg, L. 27 31 255 320 344 417 419
Noble, B. 138 426
Oleinik, O.A. 32 106 249 421 426
Operator pencil 10
Orlt, M. 225 426
Osborn, J.E. 196 420 426
Parseval equality 356
Partial multiplicity 11
Parton, V.Z. 105 426
Pazy, A. 344 426
Penzel, F. 33 425
Perlin, P.I. 106 426
Pipher, J. 59 249 421 426
Plamenevskii, B.A. 29 32 52 58 105 142 194 197 199 247 289 344 384 387 423
Poisson kernel 307 320
Polyharmonic operator 228 239 329 384
Pu, S.L. 138 426
Rannacher, R. 248 418 425
Raviart, P.-A. 192 419
Regular boundary conditions 297
Regular point 10
Richter, U. 105 138 426
Rodman, L. 67 419
Rossmann, J. 29 32 58 138 225 248 290 387 422 425
Rouche's theorem 13
Saendig, A.-M. 33 58 105 138 225 417 425
Samarskii, A.A. 52 58 426
Sanchez-Palencia, E. 33 138
Schmitz, H. 59 138 426 428
Schnack, E. 138 419
Schulze, B.-W. 32 291 427
Schwab, C. 32 105 138 178 197 422
Seif, J.B. 248 427
Shapiro — Lopatinskii condition 297
Shaposhnikova, T.O. 59 425
Shen, C.L. 57 427
Shieh, C.T. 57 427
Shilov, G.E. 322 328 382 400 419
Shubin, M.A. 32 420 427
Sigal, E.I. 32 419 423
Simple eigenvalue 38
Skvortsov, G.E. 58 418
Smith, K.T. 58 420
Solonnikov, V.A. 58 199 225 320 344 42
Soni, R.P. 44 423
Speck, F.-O. 33 425
Spectrum 10
Sperner, E. 44 57 427
Spherical components 75
Spherical divergence 75
Spherical gradient 75
Stein, M.E. 330 427
Stephan, E.P. 59 138 420 427
Stewartson, K. 53 58 418
Stokes system 3 139 385
Strain tensor 107
Stress tensor 107
Strongly elliptic operator 309
Stupyalis, L.I. 199 225 424
Subspace of first kind 212
Subspace of second kind 212
Szabo, B.A. 248 427
Szego, G. 57 426 427
Tavkhelidze, I.N. 249 426
Teixeira, F.S. 33 425
Temam, R. 149 160 427
Trenogin, V.A. 124 270 282 427
Vainberg, M.M. 124 270 282 427
Variational Principle 42 91 119 168 221
Verchota, G.C. 106 197 249 418 426
Verzhbinskii, G.M. 58 427
Vishik, M.I. 31 50 255 260 417
Volk, K. 59 138 426
Volkov, E.A. 58 427 428
von Petersdorff, T. 59 138 417
Vorovich, I.I. 105 138 428
Walden, H. 59 428
Watson, G.N. 187 428
Weinberger, H.F. 50 57 426 428
Weiss, G. 330 427
Wendland, W.L. 32 59 138 419 426 428
Whiteman, J.R. 59 417 427
Whittaker, E.T. 187 428
Wigley, N.M. 58 428
Williams, M.L. 248 428
Yosifyan, G.A. 106 249 426
Zajaczkowski, W. 58 428
Zeidler, E. 42 428
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