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Spencre L.R. McGowan — Blotto Botany
Spencre L.R. McGowan — Blotto Botany

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Название: Blotto Botany

Автор: Spencre L.R. McGowan


From talented herbalist and writer Spencre McGowan comes this book of cordial recipes that use the power of plants to heal (and also make some delicious cocktails).

Blotto Botany is a gorgeous little book of medicinal cordials created by herbalist and witchy healing expert Spencre McGowan. Blotto Botany was originally a zine that swept the indie circuit, and we are now turning it into a full-length book with nods to the original design. Inside, readers and herbalism practitioners will find 40 cordial recipes organized by season, each with their own healing properties. Soothe Yourself Tonic, for instance, soothes the nerves after a hard day with gentle lemon balm and rose petals. Lovers’ Lip, by contrast, contains stimulating damiana and elderflower, the perfect recipe for “one, two, or few.” Other recipes include:

Lilac Wine
Douglas Fir Tipsy
Oh, Mary! (Bloody Mary)
Champagne Strawberries
Tulsi Me Tulsi
Dandelion Swag
Blackberry Ginger
Carmelite Water
Drunk in Love
Blotto Botany also comes with recipes for medicinal shrubs and syrups, as well as details on plant lore, wild crafting, crystals, and the use of red wine vs. white wine in infusions.

The design and package of Blotto Botany also sets it apart as a truly unique work—each page is a four color collage and some photography, all created by the author, and all the recipes are written in her own handwriting. This is one of the most special packages on the market place—our goal was to capture the look and feel of the bespoke original zine, and in so doing, we have created a cocktail book that whispers of homespun plant magic.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Медицина и здравоохранение/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2018

Количество страниц: 128

Добавлена в каталог: 16.12.2022

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