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Seaton, Nathalie — Carnivore Diet & Atkins Diet: 2-in-1 Value Bundle - 2 Low Carbohydrate Meat Diets to Lose Belly Fat and Cure Inflammation
Seaton, Nathalie — Carnivore Diet & Atkins Diet: 2-in-1 Value Bundle - 2 Low Carbohydrate Meat Diets to Lose Belly Fat and Cure Inflammation

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Название: Carnivore Diet & Atkins Diet: 2-in-1 Value Bundle - 2 Low Carbohydrate Meat Diets to Lose Belly Fat and Cure Inflammation

Автор: Seaton, Nathalie


The carnivorous lifestyle has gained popularity recently due to its ease and simplicity, as well as the fact that the results for most of the thousands that try this diet speak for themselves.

Do you agree that humans are designed to eat meat?

Do you want to enjoy satisfying meals and to feel satisfying?

Do you like your diet to include bacon and eggs, nice steak, seafood, cheese, butter, cream?

Do you want to lose weight fast and to maintain healthy weight?

Do you want to overcome food cravings and feel more energetic?

Do you suffer from inflammation, high blood pressure, bloating, or other digestion issues?

Do you suffer from diabetes, gluten intolerance or other food allergens?

Do you want to clear up acne and other skin issues?

Do you want the diet to be fun, fulfilling, and fast to show results?

If you answered YES to at least one question, you should definitely learn more about Carnivore and Atkins diets. These diets can make fantastic changes in your life!

This is a must-read book for anyone considering the carnivore diet– this extreme diet is not for everyone!

Another diet that can make fantastic changes in your life – Atkins diet. For more than 40 years, Atkins diet helps millions achieve weight-loss goals and improve their health.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2019

Количество страниц: 244

Добавлена в каталог: 16.12.2022

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