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Rob Shimonski — AI in Healthcare How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing IT Operations and Infrastructure Services
Rob Shimonski — AI in Healthcare How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing IT Operations and Infrastructure Services

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Название: AI in Healthcare How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing IT Operations and Infrastructure Services

Автор: Rob Shimonski


Today’s systems, network, data, and critical infrastructure are all
dependent on becoming more efficient and “self-aware,” while also
self-healing. Artificial intelligence (AI) in operational models has become
the de facto standard of how services will be designed and deployed
in the future. This fusion of AI and operations has spawned the newly
infamous acronym AIOps. As operations becomes the foundation of
integrity that critical enterprise systems rely on, it’s no mystery that
AIOps has become incredibly popular as of late.
Service delivery is the lifeblood of all companies looking to be and
remain competitive. This is especially true in highly critical services such
as those delivered by healthcare where lost time, mistakes, and red tape
impact the patient experience negatively. With more push toward zero
downtime and less impact to 24/7/365 systems, having the intelligence
to weather this storm is one of the most exciting prospects turned reality
of our time and can be fully realized with the use of AI-based systems.
Using this book, you will not only learn about AI and its importance,
but be given practical examples and advice on how to actually deploy it
in your environment to achieve these positive outcomes. It is also within
this book that years of experience not only in other verticals but in the
specific nature of healthcare delivery becomes evident as you progress
through the chapters

Язык: en

Рубрика: Наука/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2021

Количество страниц: 266

Добавлена в каталог: 14.12.2022

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