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V. I. Arnold — Lectures and Problems: A Gift to Young Mathematicians
V. I. Arnold — Lectures and Problems: A Gift to Young Mathematicians

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Название: Lectures and Problems: A Gift to Young Mathematicians

Автор: V. I. Arnold


Vladimir Arnold was one of the great mathematical minds of the late 20th century. He did significant work in many areas of the field. On another level, Russian mathematicians have a strong tradition of writing for, and even directly teaching, younger students interested in mathematics. The present volume contains some examples of Arnold’s contributions to the genre.
“Continued Fractions” takes a common enrichment topic in high school math and pulls it in directions that only a master of mathematics could envision. While it exemplifies for the student the kind of generalization and abstraction that mathematicians routinely engage in, it does so in a com- pletely non-routine way. The essay also has a powerful lesson for all of us. The author claims to have set out to invent a completely useless (i.e., in- applicable) mathematical construct, yet found that people came to his door asking about it because it was just what they needed for a particular appli- cation. Mathematicians, it seems, do more than build a better mousetrap. They seem to invent new creatures to be trapped.
In “Geometry of Complex Numbers, Quaternions, and Spins” the con- text is physics, yet Arnold artfully extracts the mathematical aspects of the discussion in a way that students can understand long before they master the field of quantum mechanics.

Язык: ru

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2010

Количество страниц: 175

Добавлена в каталог: 08.12.2022

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