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Автор: Law and Practice
This book was first published in the Spring of 2002 by Butterworths Tolley and
a second edition (published by Hart Publishing) came out in 2005. The intention was to provide a readable introduction to digital copyright and related
areas (moral rights, database rights and competition law) and provide practical guidance. As far as the author is aware it was the first book in the UK to
treat digital copyright as a subject in its own right.1 Revising the book again
16 years later the two key pieces of legislation relevant to digital copyright
which were fresh back in 2002 remain in place – the Electronic Commerce
Directive and the Information Society Directive. Yet much additional legislation has followed at UK and EU level and the copyright jurisprudence of the
European Court of Justice is now substantial. More EU legislation is to follow
in relation to the digital single market. The UK meanwhile has to contend
with Brexit but whatever happens the author sees the current ‘Europeanised’
UK copyright regime staying in place, at least in the short term.
A concise, practical and introductory guide cannot necessarily please all
readers (and reviewers) – it can only scratch the surface in places – but there
are many more footnotes than in 2002 and suggestions for further reading, so
that those who want a deeper exploration can find where to look.