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Название: Marx's Theory of Politics
·.Tbis·isastudy.of bow 'Marxtreats' politics. It is set in the cOntext
othis materialist theory of sodery aDd history, which has aroused
such interest and controversy, but is not a study of that theory
.s'$uch. This is not because Itbink.the jnterest misplac:ed, or the
e9ntroversy fruitless. but .because I believe that an imponant
contribution is to be made by looking thoroughly at how Marx
operates in a specific area. Not only is politics tile specific area
which interested him most; it is also the one where he was most
keenly aware of not having -achieved a comprehensive and
definitive viewpoiht. Marx has of course received much attention
as a social and political thinker in the broad sense, in works from
,which I have derived much help. I, however, have concentrated
onbis specific treatment of politics and, within that, on the
'positive rather than the normative aspects of his approach. As well
as being a major pan of Marx's • unfinished business'. the area
which I have chosen is crucial to Marxist thought. posing the
question of how political structures, and political conflict, can
be integrated in an economically based theory of society and