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Joseph H. Spurk · Nuri Aksel — Fluid Mechanics
Joseph H. Spurk · Nuri Aksel — Fluid Mechanics

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Название: Fluid Mechanics

Автор: Joseph H. Spurk · Nuri Aksel


This textbook is the translation of the fourth edition of Strömungslehre, Einführung in die Theorie der Strömungen. The German edition has met with
a favorable reception in German-speaking countries, showing that there was
a demand for a book that emphazises the fundamentals. In the English literature there are books of the same nature, some excellent, and these have
indeed influenced me to write this book. However, they cover different ground
and are not aimed primarily at mechanical engineering students, which this
book is. I have kept the original concept throughout all editions and there is
little to say that has not been said in the preface to the first German edition.
There is now a companion volume Solved Problems in Fluid Mechanics, which
alleviates the drawback of the first German edition, namely the absence of
problem exercises.
The book has been translated by Katherine Mayes during her stay in
Darmstadt, and I had the opportunity to work with her daily. It is for this
reason that I am solely responsible for this edition, too. My thanks also go
to Prof. L. Crane from Trinity College in Dublin for his assistance with this
book. Many people have helped, all of whom I cannot name, but I would
like to express my sincere thanks to Ralf Münzing, whose dependable and
unselfish attitude has been a constant encouragement during this work.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Механика/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Издание: 2008

Год издания: 2

Количество страниц: 531

Добавлена в каталог: 24.11.2022

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