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Авторы: Geoffrey C. Gunn, Jefferson Lee
TheCambodianproblemremainsunresolved. Internalfactionalstruggles and external military involvement remain an integral part of the Cambodian suffering.
Many foreign observers find it opportunistic to fish in this troubled water. They ascend from obscurity to champion the cause of human rights and thus makethemselvesknowntothepublic. SomeothersclaimtobeCambodian experts. Infact,manyofthemareunable todistinguishfactfromfiction nor can they dissociate humanrights from external aggression. More adyentur- ous ones get fame out of a myriad of exaggerations of falsehoods: producing films,articles,pamphletsetc. Outofsincereignoranceorulteriormotives,they have effectively complicated the conflict, deceived thepeople, diverted thereal issuesand,consequently,prolongedthewar. Thestateof warin Cambodiahas -in turn -servedto legitimizethishandfulof activists,andthecertainrelief organizations behind them, by allowing them to continue their self-proclaimed role as saviours — but at the expense of more Cambodian lives.