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Hall M., Brown L. — Core Web Programming
Hall M., Brown L. — Core Web Programming

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Название: Core Web Programming

Авторы: Hall M., Brown L.


One-stop shopping for serious Web developers!

* The worldwide best seller for serious Web developers—now 100% updated!
* In-depth HTML 4/CSS, Java 2, Servlets, JSP, XML, and more!
* Industrial-strength code examples throughout!

The authoritative guide to every technology that enterprise Web developers need to master, from HTML 4 to Java 2 Standard Edition 1.3, servlets to JavaServer Pages, and beyond. Core Web Programming, Second Edition brings them all together in the ultimate Web development resource for experienced programmers.

HTML 4: In-depth, practical coverage of HTML document structure, block-level and text-level elements, frames, cascading style sheets, and beyond.

Java 2: Basic syntax, object-oriented design, applets and animation, the Java Plug-In, user interface development with Swing, layout managers, Java2D, multithreading, network programming, database connectivity, and more.

Server-Side Java: Servlets, JSP, XML, and JDBC-the foundations of enterprisedevelopment with Java. Advanced topics include JSP custom tag libraries,combining servlets and JSP (MVC), database connection pooling, SAX, DOM, and XSLT processing, and detailed coverage of HTTP 1.1.

JavaScript: Dynamic creation of Web page content, user event monitoring, HTML form field validation, and more. Includes a complete quick reference guide.

This book's first edition is used in leading computer science programs worldwide, from MIT to Stanford, UC Berkeley to Princeton, UCLA to Johns Hopkins. Now, it's been 100% updated for today's hottest Web development technologies—with powerful newtechniques, each with complete working code examples!

Every Core Series book:

* DEMONSTRATES practical techniques used by professional developers
* FEATURES robust, thoroughly tested sample code and realistic examples
* FOCUSES on the cutting-edge technologies you need to master today
* PROVIDES expert advice that will help you build superior software

Core Web Programming delivers:

* Practical insights for Web development with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
* Expert J2SE 1.3 coverage, from Swing and Java 2D to threading, RMI, and JDBC
* Fast-track techniques for server-side development with servlets, JSP, and XML
* Hundreds of real-world code examples, including complete sample applications

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: second edition

Год издания: 2001

Количество страниц: 1440

Добавлена в каталог: 31.03.2007

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