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Gralla P. — Windows XP Hacks |
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.dbx file extensions (mail messages in Outlook Express)
.NET alerts (with Windows Messenger)
.NET alerts (with Windows Messenger), delivery of alerts
.NET alerts (with Windows Messenger), managing alerts from My Alerts Page
.NET alerts (with Windows Messenger), signing up for alerts
.pst file extension (Outlook)
.Reg files
.reg files, creating from existing portion of the Registry
.reg files, double-clicking on, changing default action to protect Registry
.reg files, editing with word processors, problems with
.reg files, importing back into Registry
.reg files, importing back into Registry, double-clicking on
301 Permanent Redirect message
4NT command prompt
802.11x WiFi standard, versions of
Ad-Aware (spyware detector)
ad-free surfing
ad-free surfing, skyscraper ads
Adult Content Senders list (Outlook)
Advanced RISC Computing (ARC) path
Advanced Startup Manager, creating multiple profiles
alerts, performance
America Online icon, removing from desktop
analog, CD, writing
analog, video, converting to digital
Animated Bitmap Creator
animated effects (GUI), controlling
Anonymizer.com web service
anonymous email web site
anonymous proxy server list web site
anonymous web surfing
ANSI codes
antennas for wireless networks
antennas for wireless networks, building your own for war driving
antennas for wireless networks, external and booster antennas, use of
antennas for wireless networks, tips for improving performance
Anti-Phishing Working Group
antitrust case against Microsoft
appearance, customizing
applets, Control Panel
applets, Control Panel, displaying in cascading menu
applets, Control Panel, hiding from newbies
applets, Control Panel, hiding unused
applets, Control Panel, hiding with the Registry
applets, Control Panel, hiding with XP Pro Group Policy Editor
applets, Control Panel, recategorizing
applets, Control Panel, running hidden applets
applications, background, reducing for better RAM use
applications, command-line shortcuts for launching
applications, command-line shortcuts for launching, customizing shortcuts
applications, command-line shortcuts for launching, using with keyboard shortcuts for running
applications, forcing older programs to use XP common controls
applications, hidden fields in Word, security risks
applications, memory-hogging, identifying with Task Manager
applications, opening and creating Microsoft documents without Office
applications, OpenOffice.org office suite
applications, programs
applications, sharing with Messenger
applications, uninstalling
applications, uninstalling, cleaning up after
applications, uninstalling, removing access to certain Microsoft programs
applications, uninstalling, removing uninstall entries from uninstalled programs
applications, XP-incompatible, forcing to run
applications, XP-incompatible, forcing to run, Application Compatibility Toolkit, using
applications, XP-incompatible, forcing to run, Compatibility Wizard, using
ARC (Advanced RISC Computing) path
archive files
archive files, Web, single file (.mht)
arrays of strings
Ask Jeeves Toolbar
ASR (Automated System Recovery)
Attachment Options add-in (Outlook)
attachments to email (blocked), opening in Outlook/Outlook Express
attachments to email (blocked), opening in Outlook/Outlook Express, forcing Outlook Express to open blocked file attachments
attachments to email (blocked), opening in Outlook/Outlook Express, forcing Outlook to open blocked file attachments
audio bitrate and properties (video setting)
authenticodesettings for IE, customizing
AutoEndTasks key (Registry)
autologon, enabling
Automated System Recovery (ASR)
Automated System Recovery (ASR), NTBackup installed on XP Home machine
Axialis AX-Cursors program
Back Orifice Trojan, use of ports
background images, customizing in VDM
background services and applications, reducing
Backup and Restore utility
Backup and Restore utility, ASR, XP Home and
Backup Plus program
Backup Utility, installing manually in XP Home
backups, building better strategy for
backups, building better strategy for, backup utilities in Windows XP
backups, building better strategy for, getting a better backup program
backups, building better strategy for, mapping out backup plan
backups, building better strategy for, system organization that aids backup process
backups, cookies (from IE)
backups, Outlook and Outlook Express data files
backups, Outlook and Outlook Express data files, add-in software, using
backups, Outlook and Outlook Express data files, manually backing up Outlook
backups, Outlook and Outlook Express data files, manually backing up Outlook Express
backups, Registry 2nd
backups, Registry, using Backup utility
backups, restoring
balloon tips, changing for system objects
batch conversions of image formats
batch file, creating
beeps (system), turning off
binary NOT operator (&!)
binary values (Registry) 2nd
Blocked Senders List (Outlook Express)
Bluejacking and Bluesnarfing security issues
Bluetooth [See wireless Bluetooth]
Boolean operators in Indexing Service queries
booster antennas for wireless networks
boot menu, fixing
boot screen, changing
boot screen, changing, building startup screen from graphics
boot screen, changing, choosing from multiple screens
boot sector, fixing
boot, BootXP program
boot, creating a boot menu
boot, defragmenting
boot, delay
boot, editing boot.ini
boot, files, defragmenting
boot, fixing
boot, multiboot startup options
boot, Safe Mode
boot, screen, changing
boot.ini file
boot.ini file, editing
boot.ini file, editing, [boot loader] section
boot.ini file, editing, [operatingsystem] section
Briefcase, files, information about
Briefcase, mobile file transfers with
browsers, Firefox [See Firefox]
browsers, Internet Explorer
browsers, Mozilla [See Mozilla browser]
browsers, Navigator and Mozilla, deleting cookies
browsers, Opera
Brushed Panther web site
buffers (mouse and keyboard), changing size of
| Bugnosis program
buttons, customizing appearance of
buttons, user interfaces
cable modems, resetting to repair TCP/IP connection
cables and connectors for direct network connections
cache memory, removing DLLs from
CacheRight program
caching, DNS cache settings on XP, adjusting
caching, improving web site performance with
calendar backup file (Outlook)
cantenna (wireless), building, online directions
Caps Lock, automatically turning on at startup
cd command to list all files and subfolders on all folders on all local disks
CDs, burning
CDs, burning, digital music files that skip and pop
CDs, burning, skipping in burned music CDs
CDs, storing backups on
cipher command
class definitions of unique objects
class ID (CLSID) for desktop objects
class ID (CLSID) for desktop objects, removing icons with
Classic Internet Search Companion
CleanUp! disk-cleanup tool
clear GIFs (web bugs)
ClearType, fonts displayed before logon
clients, FTP
clients, remote
clients, remote, IP addresses and domain names
clients, remote, setting up
collaboration with a whiteboard
colors, background, customizing for desktop
colors, changing settings for Java applets
colors, reducing for better RAM use
comma-separated (.cvs) log file, viewing in spreadsheet
command line
command line, 4NT program
command line, Command Prompt Explorer Bar
command line, disk defragmenter, running from
command line, shortcuts for customized Windows Explorer views
command line, shortcuts for customized Windows Explorer views, desktop shortcuts
command line, shortcuts for launching applications
command line, shortcuts for launching applications, customizing with switches and parameters
command prompt, opening from Explorer context menu
comments, adding to HOSTS file
Commit Charge higher than Physical Memory available
compact privacy statements
company name registered as system owner, changing
Compare Folders feature (PowerDesk)
compatibility problems with earlier Windows programs
compatibility problems with earlier Windows programs, Application Compatibility Toolkit, using
compatibility problems with earlier Windows programs, Compatibility Wizard, using
components (XP)
components (XP), hiding to prevent removal
components (XP), removing
compression, file
compression, file, NTFS
compression, file, NTFS, converting other filesystems to NTFS
compression, file, NTFS, converting previous filesystems to
compression, file, NTFS, disk space saved by
compression, file, NTFS, system or .log files, performance and
compression, file, NTFS, ZIP files versus
Connect on Demand setting (residential gateways)
connecting to web sites, problems with
connection settings for IE, customizing
connectors, for wireless antenna
contacts, Outlook Express, in Windows Address Book
contacts, Outlook, backup files for
CONTAINS operator (Indexing Service)
content ratings, customizing for IE
context menus
context menus, shortcut menus
context menus, Windows Explorer, improving
context menus, Windows Explorer, improving, command prompt, opening
context menus, Windows Explorer, improving, copy/move to folder options
context menus, Windows Explorer, improving, Open With option
context menus, Windows Explorer, improving, Send To option
Control Panel
Control Panel, building customized
Control Panel, hidden applets, running
Cookie Manager
Cookie Pal utility
cookies, examining and deleting manually
cookies, exporting, importing or backing up
cookies, IE cookie handling, customizing
cookies, IE privacy settings, effects of
cookies, opting out of cookie-based ad networks
cookies, related terminology, understanding
cookies, session
cookies, third-party cookie managers
cookies, Windows Media Player, privacy problems with
Copernic Agent Basic
Copy To Folder option (Explorer context menu)
copying files from local drives to removable media in Recovery Console
copyright laws, themes and
cordless phones, interference with wireless equipment
CPU, monitoring use
Create Shortcut Wizard
credential agencies, designating as trustworthy
cryptography, Encrypting File System
cryptography, PowerDesk utility
cryptography, WEP encryption
cursors, creating your own
cursors, creating your own, Axialix AX-Cursors program (creating from scratch)
cursors, creating your own, CursorXP Free program
cursors, creating your own, CursorXP Plus program
cursors, creating your own, Microangelo program
cursors, free, download site
data files (current), backing up
data types, Registry
dates and times
dates and times, expressions in Indexing Service queries
dates and times, Maximum Idle Time setting (residential gateways)
dates and times, NTFS date and time stamps, updates of
dates and times, timeouts for programs, changing
decrypting files and folders with EFS
defragmenting, boot
defragmenting, Diskeeper
Desktop.ini files
desktops, command-line prompt on
desktops, control for current users by Registry hive
desktops, customizing background, color and system icons
desktops, deleting unnecessary icons
desktops, hiding icons that can't be deleted
desktops, reducing icon numbers to conserve RAM
desktops, shortcuts, Explorer custom views 2nd
desktops, showing Windows version on
desktops, Virtual Desktop Manager
desktops, Virtual Desktop Manager, activating the toolbar
desktops, Virtual Desktop Manager, customizing
desktops, Virtual Desktop Manager, switching between desktops
Destroy File feature (PowerDesk)
Device manager
Device Manager, error messages, decoding
Device Manager, error messages, decoding, error codes, messages, and potential solutions
Device Manager, hidden hardware, discovering
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
DHCP, IP address assigned by, renewing
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