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Rabiner L.R., Schafer R.W. — Digital Processing of Speech Signals |
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Acoustic admittance of a uniform lossless tube 64
Acoustic admittance, due to thermal conduction 69
Acoustic admittance, due to yielding walls 68
Acoustic impedance of a uniform lossless tube 64
Acoustic impedance, due to viscous friction 69
Adaptive delta modulation with one bit memory 221—223
Adaptive delta modulation, continuously variable slope (CVSD) 223—224
Adaptive differential PCM (ADPCM) 226—232
Adaptive prediction in DPCM 228—232
Adaptive prediction, feed-forward control 232
Adaptive prediction, feedback control 229—232
Adaptive quantization 195—208
Additive modifications of the short-time spectrum 280—281
Affricates 54
Aids-to-the-handicapped 8
Aliasing in computing the cepstrum 364—365 393
Aliasing, definition 26
All-pole model for speech 398
All-pole transfer function 99
All-pole transfer function, cascade realization 100
All-pole transfer function, direct form realization 101
AMDF 149—150
Analysis frames 117
Analysis-by-synthesis 318—323
Analysis-by-synthesis, comparison to LPC 439—440
Analysis-synthesis systems 324—344
APCM 196
Area function 44
Area function, measurements of 61
Autocorrelation function for deterministic signals 141
Autocorrelation function for periodic signals 141
Autocorrelation function for random signals 141
Autocorrelation function, computation of 162—164
Autocorrelation function, properties of 141
Autocorrelation function, short-time 141—149
Autocorrelation method of LPC 401—403
Average magnitude difference function (AMDF) 149—150
Backward prediction error 414
Bandwidth of Hamming window 264
Bandwidth of speech signals 174
Bit-rate 180
Boundary condition at glottis 78—82 86—87
Boundary condition at lips 71—74 85—86 111 113
Burg's method 416
Cascade form implementation 23
Causal systems 19 20
Center clipping 151—154
Center clipping, three level 154
Cepstrum 359
Cepstrum from predictor polynomial 442
Cepstrum, smoothing 378
Cepstrum, window 369—370
Channel vocoder 341—344
Characteristic impedance 64
Characteristic system for homomorphic deconvolution 357—359
Chirp z-transform 379 394—395
Cholesky decomposition 407—411
Clipping level effect of in pitch estimation 153
companding 186—191
Comparison of digital coders 232—235
Complex cepstrum for rational transforms 360
Complex cepstrum of speech 365—372
Complex cepstrum of speech, unvoiced 370—372
Complex cepstrum of speech, voiced 367—370
Complex cepstrum, computation of 363—365
Complex cepstrum, properties of 360—362
Composite frequency response 268
Composite impulse response using real filters 285
Compressor u-law 188
Computational requirements in LPC 417—418
Computer voice response see "Voice response"
Concatenation of formant-coded words 470—473
Continuant sounds 43
Continuous digit recognition 494—498
Convolution, descrete 13
Correlation function, long term estimate 177—178 see
Covariance method of LPC 403—404
Cross-correlation 148
CVSD 223—224
CVSD, maximum and minimum step sizes 247
Decimation and interpolation 27 273—274
Deconvolution 355
Delta modulation 216—225
Delta modulation, adaptive 221—224
Delta modulation, double integration 225
Delta modulation, linear 216—221
Design of digital filter banks see "Digital filter bank design"
Differential PCM (DPCM) 225—232
Differential quantization 208—216
Digital code conversion 235—238
Digital coding of formants 382—384
Digital coding of LPC parameters 450—453
Digital coding of the cepstrum 388—389
Digital coding of the time dependent Fourier transform 324—334
Digital coding of the time dependent Fourier transform, using adaptive delta modulation 331—332
Digital coding of the time dependent Fourier transform, using PCM 332
Digital filter bank design 282—302
Digital filter bank design, practical considerations in 282—290
Digital filter bank design, using FIR filters 292—302
Digital filter bank design, using IIR filters 290—292
Digital filters 18—23
Digital filters, causality of 19 20
Digital filters, frequency response of 18
Digital filters, implementation of 23
Digital filters, stability of 19 20
Digital filters, system function of 18
Digital transmission of speech 7
Diphthongs 48
Direct form implementation 23
Discrete Fourier Transform 16—18
Discrete-time model for speech 103—105
Distance measures 484—485 498—500
Dithering 242—243
Double integration delta modulation 225
DPCM 225—232
Durbin's method of solution of the LPC equations 411—413
Dynamic range 187
Dynamic range of u-law quantizer 191
Encoding of quantized samples 179-181
Energy 119
Enhancement of speech quality 8
Error, quantization 182
Expander 188
Exponential sequence 11
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), definition of 18
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), use in computing the cepstrum 363—365
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), use in short-time Fourier analysis 303—306
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), use in short-time Fourier synthesis 306—310
Feed-forward adaptation 199—203
Feed-forward adaptation in differential PCM 226—227
Feed-forward adaptation, performance of 203
Feedback adaptation 203—207
Feedback quantization in differential PCM 227—228
Feedback quantization, performance of 207
Filter bank summation method 266—274
Filter bank summation method, implementation of 303—310
Finite impulse response see "FIR"
FIR systems 20—21
FIR systems, design of 20
FIR systems, linear phase 20
Formant frequencies 41 44
Formant frequencies of uniform lossless tube 65—66
Formant frequencies, quantization of 382—384
Formant frequency estimation, using LPC 442—450
Formant frequency estimation, using the cepstrum 378—385
Formant vocoder 382—385
Forward prediction error 414
Fourier transform 15—16
Frequency domain interpretation of LPC 431—440
Frequency resolution dependence on window length 260
| Frequency response 18
Frequency response of telephone line 174
Fricative 40
Fricative, excitation model 81—82
Fricative, unvoiced 51—52
Fricative, voiced 52
Gain computation in LPC 404—407
Glottis 39
Glottis, boundary condition at 63 81 87
Granular noise 219
Hamming window, definition of 121
Hamming window, Fourier transform of 122
Homomorphic systems for convolution 356—365
Homomorphic systems for convolution, canonic form for 357
Homomorphic systems for convolution, characteristic system 357
Homomorphic systems for convolution, implementation of 363—365
Homomorphic vocoder 385—390
Idle channel noise 195
IIR systems 21—23
IIR systems, design of 22
IIR systems, implementation, cascade form 23
IIR systems, implementation, direct form 23
IIR systems, implementation, parallel form 23
Infinite duration impulse response see "IIR"
Information rate 180
Information rate of speech 2
Instantaneous quantization 179—195
Integrator 217
Interpolation 28—29
Interpolation of LPC synthesis parameters 445
Interpolation of short-time Fourier transform 306—310 324—334
Isolated digit recognition 490—493
Laplacian probability density 176 241
Lattice formulation of LPC 413—417
LDM-to-PCM conversion 236—237
Leaky integrator 224
Linear delta modulation 216—221
Linear delta modulation, circuit implementation 236
Linear filtering interpretation of time dependent Fourier analysis 261—263
Linear phase FIR systems 20
Linear predictive analysis, autocorrelation method 401—403
Linear predictive analysis, basic principles 398—401
Linear predictive analysis, covariance method 403—404
Linear predictive analysis, use in speaker identification 485—489
Linear predictive analysis, use in speaker verification 478—479
Linear predictive analysis, use in speech recognition 491—498
Linear predictive coding (LPC) 367
Linear predictive spectrum 433
Linear predictive vocoder 450—453
Linear predictor 210
Linear shift-invariant systems 13
Linguistics 39
Log area ratio 444
logarithmic quantization 186—187
Losses in the vocal tract, due to thermal conduction 69
Losses in the vocal tract, due to viscous friction 69
Losses in the vocal tract, due to yielding walls 66—69
Lossless tube models 82—98
Lossless tube models from LPC 440—441
Lossless tube models, boundary condition at glottis 86—87
Lossless tube models, boundary condition at lips 86
Lossless tube models, equivalent discrete-time system 89—92
Lossless tube models, relationship to digital filters 88—92
Lossless tube models, transfer function of 92—98
Lossless tube models, transfer function of, recursion formula for 96
LPC see "Linear predictive coding" "Linear
LPC distance measures 498—500
Maximum phase signals 361
Maximum phase signals, complex cepstrum of 361
Median smoothing 158—161
Median smoothing, application to speech processing 160—161
Median smoothing, properties of 158
Mid-riser quantizer 181—182
Mid-tread quantizer 181—182
Minimum phase signals 361
Minimum phase signals, complex cepstrum of 361
Modifications to the short-time spectrum in OLA method 279—280
Modifications to the short-time spectrum, effects of synthesis 277—281
Modifications to the short-time spectrum, effects of synthesis in FBS method 277—279
Nasal tract 39
Nasals 49—50
Nasals, model for production 76—78
Noise, quantization 182
Normalized mean-squared error 424—426
Normalized prediction error 412
Nyquist frequency 25
Optimum quantization 191—195
Overlap addition method of short-time Fourier synthesis 274—277
Oversampling ratio 265
Parallel form implementation 23
Parallel processing pitch detector 135—141
PARCOR coefficients 415 443—444
PARCOR coefficients, quantization of 444 452
PARCOR coefficients, relation to reflection coefficients 441
PARCOR coefficients, stability condition for 419
PARCOR coefficients, synthesis from 446—447
PCM-to-ADPCM conversion 237—238
Pharynx 39
Phase adjustment in digital filterbanks 290
Phase derivative 335
Phase vocoder 334—340
Phoneme 2 42
Phoneme, classes 43
Phonetics 39
Pitch detection see "Pitch period estimation"
Pitch period estimation, using LPC 447—449
Pitch period estimation, using parallel processing 135—141
Pitch period estimation, using the autocorrelation function 150—157
Pitch period estimation, using the autocorrelation function, algorithm for 156
Pitch period estimation, using the cepstrum 372—378
Pitch period estimation, using the short-time Fourier transform 314—318 352
Pitch synchronous estimation of the glottal wave 322—324
Pitch synchronous LPC 427
Pitch synchronous spectrum analysis 319—321
Plosive sounds 41
Pole-zero analysis 321—322
Power spectrum for speech 177—178
Prediction error in differential PCM 208
Prediction error, definition 399
Prediction error, filter 399
Prediction error, short-time average 400
Prediction error, signal 421—424
Prediction gain 210
Prediction gain, bounds on 230
Prediction gain, optimum 213
Probability density for speech 175—176
Probability density, gamma 175
Probability density, Laplacian 176 241
Quantization error 182
Quantization noise 182—186
Quantization noise, model for 182
Quantization noise, variance of 185
Quantization of LPC parameters 450
Quantization of short-time Fourier transform 324—334
Quantization of the cepstrum 388—389
Quantization, instantaneous 179—195
Quantization, uniform 181—186
Radiation of sound at the lips 71
Radiation, impedance 71
Radiation, load 71
Rectangular window, definition of 121
Rectangular window, Fourier transform of 1
Reflection coefficient, definition of 85
Sampling rate, increase 28—29
Sampling rate, reduction 27
Sampling, aliasing in 26
Sampling, speech signals 173—174
Sampling, the short-time Fourier transform 263—266 329
Sampling, theorem 24
Segmentation in speech recognition 495—498
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