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Sheila Sparks Ralph, Cynthia M. Taylor — SPARKS & TAYLOR’S Nursing Diagnosis Reference Manual
Sheila Sparks Ralph, Cynthia M. Taylor — SPARKS & TAYLOR’S Nursing Diagnosis Reference Manual

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Название: SPARKS & TAYLOR’S Nursing Diagnosis Reference Manual

Авторы: Sheila Sparks Ralph, Cynthia M. Taylor


For student nurses as well as expert clinicians, Sparks and Taylor’s Nursing Diagnosis Reference Manual, ninth edition, offers clearly written, authoritative care plans to help meet patients’ health care needs throughout the life span. This edition contains care plans for the 16 newest nursing diagnoses, updated information for the 10 revised nursing diagnoses, and updated definitions and content to meet the 2012–2014 NANDA-I standards. Also in this edi- tion is the Applying Evidence-Based Practice feature, which provides evidence-based scenarios for each stage of the life-cycle, one for each section of the book, including adult health, ado- lescent health, child health, maternal–neonatal health, geriatric health, psychiatric and mental health, community-based health, and wellness.
Nurses may also be interested in the publication: Sparks and Taylor’s Nursing Diagnosis Pocket Guide, second edition, a pocket-sized companion to this manual. The pocket guide contains one care plan for each diagnosis and is organized using the NNN Taxonomy of Nursing Practice and the ICNP intervention terminology. The two-page spreads for each care plan make the pocket guide completely functional for any setting. Both the pocket guide and the reference manual include the linkages between NANDA International and the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) and Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) labels. You’ll find the care plans invaluable in every health care setting you encounter throughout your career.

Язык: en

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2013

Количество страниц: 845

Добавлена в каталог: 26.08.2022

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