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Название: Essential Statistical Physics
The ideas of statistical physics allow one to relate macroscopic properties of systemstheirmicroscopicdegreesoffreedomandplayimportantrolesinmanybranchesofphysics and other sciences, and disciplines further afield such as economics. In particular, the concept of entropy as a measure of ignorance has found very wide application, especially recently in its relation to information theory. Statistical physics is hence one of the core courses in many undergraduate degree programs, sometimes taught as a combined course with thermal physics, but often as a course in its own right.
As an instructor for an upper-level undergraduate course in statistical physics, I have found it challenging to find a text for the course that contains the important ideas of statistical physics at a level the students can relate to, and at an affordable price. My goal in writing this book has been to cover key concepts and examples in statistical physics in a pedagogical and clear manner, to include mathematical detail in a waythat is useful to upper-level undergraduates and beginning graduate students, while also being concise and affordable. This necessarily leads to a limited scope. Unlike many existing texts on statistical physics, I do not try to cover thermal physics andstatistical mechanics in the same book,nor do I try to be comprehensive in covering both undergraduate and graduate statistical mechanics in the same volume. Mygoalis that this book is one that will provide students and instructors with the essential ideas of statistical physics in a way that will prove useful to all students. For students continuing to graduate studies in physics and related topics I aim to give a comprehensive coverage of ideas that are needed in graduate school, and for students who do not continue to graduate studies I aim to give a solid backgroundinstatisticalphysicsthatwillallowthemtoapplytheseideasinothercontexts.