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Название: Path Planning and Tracking for Vehicle Collision Avoidance in Lateral and Longitudinal Motion Directions
Автор: Amir Khajepour
In recent years, the control of Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs) has attracted strong attention for various automotive applications. One of the important features demanded of CAVs is collision avoidance, whether it is a stationary or a moving obstacle. Due to complex traffic conditions and various vehicle dynamics, the collision avoidance system should ensure that the vehicle can avoid collision with other vehicles or obstacles in longitudinal and lateral directions simultaneously. The longitudinal collision avoidance controller can avoid or mitigate vehicle col- lision accidents effectively via Forward Collision Warning (FCW), Brake Assist System (BAS), and Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB), which has been commercially applied in many new vehicles launched by automobile enterprises. But in lateral motion direction, it is necessary to determine a flexible collision avoidance path in real time in case of detecting any obstacle. Then, a path-tracking algorithm is designed to assure that the vehicle will follow the predeter- mined path precisely, while guaranteeing certain comfort and vehicle stability over a wide range of velocities. In recent years, the rapid development of sensor, control, and communication tech- nology has brought both possibilities and challenges to the improvement of vehicle collision avoidance capability, so collision avoidance system still needs to be further studied based on the emerging technologies.