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Muthu Ramachandran, Victor Chang — Modern Industrial IoT, Big Data and Supply Chain Proceedings of the IIoTBDSC 2020
Muthu Ramachandran, Victor Chang — Modern Industrial IoT, Big Data and Supply Chain Proceedings of the IIoTBDSC 2020

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Название: Modern Industrial IoT, Big Data and Supply Chain Proceedings of the IIoTBDSC 2020

Авторы: Muthu Ramachandran, Victor Chang


We are pleased to publish this proceedings of the First International Conference on Industrial IoT, Big Data and Supply Chain (IIoTBDSC). The novelty in the scope is attracting contributions to some crucial aspects of our interconnected world. People and devices are defining high-tech services with open problems to face in reliability, efficiency, speed and accuracy.
We have received 120 submissions. After a peer-review process and paper improvement, 46 final papers were selected.
The conference proceeding scope is to demonstrate that today’s challenges can be faced with crossover knowledge fields. Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) allows the network of IoT devices to communicate, analyze data and process informa- tion collaboratively. Big Data (BD) infrastructure problem domains require to deal with the 5V’s: volume, velocity, variety and veracity. Supply chain requires modern advancement and support from IIoT and big data to make all services efficient, fast, accurate and reliable. These three can combine and work together to produce more significant impacts and contributions as follows.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2018

Количество страниц: 457

Добавлена в каталог: 23.03.2022

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