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Leonid V. Tanin, Andrei L. Tanin — Biomedical and Resonance Optics
Leonid V. Tanin, Andrei L. Tanin — Biomedical and Resonance Optics

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Название: Biomedical and Resonance Optics

Авторы: Leonid V. Tanin, Andrei L. Tanin


The creation of modern contactless, noninvasive methods for the human organism study and their introduction into medical practice with the help of a new generation of medical–biological devices based on the holography and speckle-optics is one of the actual objectives, and it became a reason for the creation of the given work.
The main idea of the studies of Leonid V. Tanin is the creation and development of a new direction in the medicine called biomedical optics. The author set himself a task to develop physical basis and principles of studies of medical–biological objects, starting from fundamental studies up to concrete practical applications. Enormous interest toward acquiring new knowledge in the sphere of biology and medicine constituted the search of modern scientific approaches and methods of studies with the usage of coherent and nonlinear optics, holography, resonant interferometry, speckle-optics, laser physics, etc., and their adaptation in the practical sphere.
In 1975, Leonid V. Tanin suggested beginning coherent-optical, holographic and speckle-optical studies of neuromuscular and cardiovascular systems that remain actually up to the present moment. A few years later in 1978 in the Institute of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Physiotherapy of the Ministry of Health of the BSSR, he created the scientific group “Coherent-optical studies of medical–bio- logical objects,” which was engaged into the development and usage of brand new contactless highly sensitive methods and devices and appliances for the diagnostics and treatment of diseases of peripheral and central nervous systems. In the same year, the author for the first time published scientific works in this area.
The book consists of five chapters. In Chap. 1, the results of the studies in the sphere of resonance optics including resonance dynamic holography, resonance interferometry and fluorescence are presented. Chapter 2 covers holographic interference microscopy for the study of such microobjects as nerve fiber, muscle fiber, lymphocytes, nerve, muscles in conditions of electrostimulation, influence of laser radiation, magnetic fields, hyperbaries with the usage of continuous and gated radiations of He–Ne laser, including the development and creation of an experi- mental sample of holographic interference microscope operating on the transmis- sion and in the reflected light.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Медицина и здравоохранение/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2021

Количество страниц: 513

Добавлена в каталог: 23.02.2022

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