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Название: Changing Minds : Computers, Learning, and Literacy
Автор: DiSessa, Andrea A.
Can computers convey to humans a new increment of intellectual power that rivals what conventional literacy has given us? Can
educationscience education in particularbe transformed by the computer's presence so that children learn much more, learn it
earlier and more easily, and, fundamentally, learn it with a pleasure and commitment that only a privileged few now feel toward
school learning? For me, these questions enfold a scope and depth that is frightening and wonderful. The questions are
frightening because, in order to answer them with confidence, we need to understand much more than we do today about
learning, about how materials (such as text and computers) can make us smarter and help us learn, and about how cultures
appropriate a competence base such as a literacy. The questions are wonderful for almost the same reason: trying to answer them
brings us to profound and almost timeless questions about people and how they may think and act. The questions are wonderful
also because, to my best estimation, both should be answered in the affirmative. Computers can make us smarter, if not wiser,
and can revolutionize education. If this proves correct, civilization has some truly excellent days ahead of itprovided we
recognize the possibilities and act in accordance with them.