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Vasko F. T., Raichev O. E. — Quantum Kinetic Theory and Applications: Electrons, Photons, Phonons
Vasko F. T., Raichev O. E. — Quantum Kinetic Theory and Applications: Electrons, Photons, Phonons

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Название: Quantum Kinetic Theory and Applications: Electrons, Photons, Phonons

Авторы: Vasko F. T., Raichev O. E.


This monograph is addressed to several categories of readers. First, it will be useful for graduate students studying theory. Second, the topics we cover should be interesting for postgraduate students of various specializations. Third, the researchers who want to understand the background of modern theoretical issues in more detail can find a number of useful results here. The phenomena we consider involve kinetics of electron, phonon, and photon systems in solids. The dynamical properties and interactions of electrons, phonons, and photons are briefly described in Chapter 1. Further, in Chapters 2−8, we present main theoretical methods: linear response theory, various kinetic equations for the quasiparticles under consideration, and diagram technique. The presentation of the key approaches is always accompanied by solutions of concrete problems, to illustrate applications of the theory. The remaining chapters are devoted to various manifestations of quantum transport in solids. The choice of particular topics (their list can be found in the Contents) is determined by their scientific importance and methodological value. The 268 supplementary problems presented at the end of the chapters are chosen to help the reader to study the material of the monograph. Focusing our attention on the methodical aspects and discussing a great diversity of kinetic phenomena in line with the guiding principle “a method is more important than a result,” we had to minimize both detailed discussion of physical mechanisms of the phenomena considered and comparison of theoretical results to experimental data.

Язык: en

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2005

Добавлена в каталог: 20.08.2021

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