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Batchelor G.K. (ed.) — The Scientific Papers of Sir Geoffrey Ingram Taylor (Vol. 2. Meteorology, Oceanography and Turbulent Flow)
Batchelor G.K. (ed.) — The Scientific Papers of Sir Geoffrey Ingram Taylor (Vol. 2. Meteorology, Oceanography and Turbulent Flow)

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Название: The Scientific Papers of Sir Geoffrey Ingram Taylor (Vol. 2. Meteorology, Oceanography and Turbulent Flow)

Автор: Batchelor G.K. (ed.)


These volumes contain all the scientific papers by Sir Geoffrey Taylor that he and I have been able to locate, apart from some that duplicate work herein, and apart from a number of minor unpublished notes thought to be no longer of interest. The papers have been prepared for the present volumes with as little change of their original form as possible. Printing errors and small mathematical slips in the first publication have been rectified without comment, but any substantial change in the text as originally published has been disclosed in a footnote. All the figures have been redrawn in a uniform style. Several papers that were written for Government departments or advisory committees, mostly during the last war, are here published for the first time. Sir Geoffrey Taylor has looked through them and has made a number of minor changes to meet the needs of more general distribution. Purely expository articles prepared for delivery as lectures or for publication in collective works have not been included in these volumes.

Язык: en

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 1960

Количество страниц: 515

Добавлена в каталог: 18.08.2021

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