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Khachigian L.M. — High-Risk Atherosclerotic Plaques Mechanisms, Imaging, Models, and Therapy
Khachigian L.M. — High-Risk Atherosclerotic Plaques Mechanisms, Imaging, Models, and Therapy

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Название: High-Risk Atherosclerotic Plaques Mechanisms, Imaging, Models, and Therapy

Автор: Khachigian L.M.


Vulnerable plaque development is the result of a complex series of molecular and cellular events involving inflammation, apoptosis, rupture, and thrombosis. A detailed understanding of the mechanisms underlying the development of high-risk plaques, along with the ability to visualize and diagnose these vulnerable lesions, will lead to the effective management of acute coronary syndromes.
High-Risk Atherosclerotic Plaques: Mechanisms, Imaging, Models, and Therapy brings together timely, in-depth reviews by renowned international cardiologists and scientists. Chapters cover the definition, structure, and cellular and molecular mechanisms of high risk plaque development, as well as animal models of vulnerable plaque, plaque imaging, and current and future therapies. Medical experts discuss intravascular ultrasound, optimal coherence tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and coronary thermography. The final chapter reviews both current and future local and systematic strategies for the therapeutic management of vulnerable plaque.
Exploring all aspects of this primary cause of acute coronary syndromes, this informative book updates our knowledge on the detection and treatment of vulnerable plaques. It is a valuable resource that can greatly advance the progress in treatment and prevention.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Медицина и здравоохранение/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 212

Добавлена в каталог: 15.08.2021

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