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Landau L.D., Lifshitz E.M. — Course of Theoretical Physics, Volume 8: Electrodynamics of Continuous Media |
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Abraham force 260 278
Absorption coefficient 285
Absorption of electromagnetic waves by small particles 322—3
Absorption, two-photon 393
Acceleration, excitation of currents by 222—4
Adiabatic invariant 277
Airy function 305
Alfven discontinuity 242
Alfven velocity 237
Alfven waves 237 239—40
Angular phase 159
Anisotropic media, electromagnetic waves in (XI) 331ff.
Antiferromagnetic Curie point 166n.
Antiferromagnetic vector 167
Antiferromagnets 131—2 166—72
Atomic form factor 449
Azimuthal distribution 234
Barnett effect 129
Biaxial crystals 54 341—7
Bicritical point 170
Binormal 343
Biot and Savart's law 110
Biradial 343
Birefringence see Double refraction
Bragg and Vul'f's equation 442
Bragg's method 446n.
Brewster angle 297
Capacitance 4 7—8 17—19 214—17
Capacitance coefficients 4—5 7
Capacitance mutual 7 15—16
Capacitance of conducting ellipsoid 22—3
Capacitance of conducting sphere 57
Capacitance of ring 8
Causality 280 281
Charge distribution on conducting disc 25
Charge distribution on conducting ellipsoid 22 26
Charge distribution on conductors 1ff. 16
Charge reservoir 30
Charges extraneous 35 258
Charges in a dielectric 62
Cherenkov radiation 406—8
Collinear antiferromagnet 132
Conduction current density 108
Conductivity electrical 86
Conductivity tensor 87 90
Conductors 1ff.
Conductors cylindrical 14 15—16 17 112 206—7
Conductors disc-shaped 25 26—7
Conductors electrostatic field of ff.
Conductors electrostatics of (I) iff.
Conductors electrostriction of 31—2
Conductors ellipsoidal 19—29
Conductors forces on 29—33 127—9
Conductors motion in a magnetic field 217—22 225—56
Conductors motion in a magnetic field turbulent 253
Conductors spherical 9—10 14 32 57 88—9 205—6 207 221
Conformal mapping 12
Conformal mapping method of 11—12
Conical refraction external 345
Conical refraction internal 343
Contact potential 93
Cotton—Mouton effect 352
Critical field 185—9
Critical indices 162 171
Critical opalescence 433—5
Critical state 77
Cross-over critical index 171
Crystals biaxial 54 341—7
Crystals dielectric properties of 54—9 331—3
Crystals enantiomorphic 364
Crystals magnetic properties of 130—5
Crystals natural optical activity of 362—6
Crystals piezoelectric 70
Crystals pyroelectric 56
Crystals uniaxial 55 339—41
Crystals uniaxial negative 339
Crystals uniaxial positive 339
Crystals X-ray diffraction in see under Diffraction
Curie point antiferromagnetic 166n.
Curie point ferromagnetic 135
Curie—Weiss law 137
Current boundary conditions for 86—7
Current conduction 108
Current density 86 108
Current density surface 107
Current eddy 201
Current electric 1
Current excitation by acceleration 222—4
Current in a crystal 398
Current in a moving conductor 217—22
Current linear 110; see also Linear current
Current molecular 108n.
Current steady (III) 86ff.
Current steady (III) magnetic field of 107—13
Current superconductivity 182—5
Current surface 107
Curvilinear coordinates 452—3
Cylinder conducting 14 15—16 17 112 206—7
Cylinder dielectric 40 53
Debye and Scherrer's method 446n.
Debye relaxation time 432
Debye-Waller factor 450
Defocusing medium 379
Demagnetizing factors 41n. 182
Depolarizing factors 24 321
Depolarizing field 41
Detailed balancing 419
Dielectric axes, principal 334
dielectric constant see Permittivity
Dielectric crystals 54—9 331—3
Dielectric cylinder 40 53
Dielectric disc 40 52—3 57
Dielectric ellipsoid 39—42 52
Dielectric fluid, forces in 59—64
Dielectric permeability see Permittivity
Dielectric polarization 34
Dielectric solid, forces in 64—7
Dielectric sphere 39—40 42 56 57 67 263—4
Dielectric susceptibility 36
Dielectric susceptibility non-linear 374
Dielectric susceptibility sign of 58—9
Dielectric tensor 54; see also Permittivity tensor
Dielectrics 1 34
Dielectrics electrostatics of (III) 34ff.
Dielectrics electrostriction of isotropic 51—4
Dielectrics moving 260—4
Dielectrics moving boundary conditions 262
Dielectrics polarized 34
Dielectrics thermodynamics of 44—8
Dielectrics total free energy of 48—51
Diffraction by a plane screen 327—30
Diffraction by a wedge 323—7
Diffraction of X-rays in crystals (XVI) 439ff.
Diffraction of X-rays in crystals (XVI) general theory of 439—45
Diffraction of X-rays in crystals (XVI) temperature dependence of 449—51
Diffusion phenomena 102—4
Dipole moment of conducting cylinder 17
Dipole moment of conducting disc 26—7
Dipole moment of conducting sphere 14
Dipole moment of conductor 6
Dipole moment of dielectric 35 50
Director 70
Disc conducting 25 26—7
Disc dielectric 40 52—3 57
Disc superconducting 185
Discontinuities in a magnetic fluid 240—53
Discontinuity Alfven 242
Discontinuity contact 241
Discontinuity rotational 242
Discontinuity tangential 241
| Discontinuity tangential stability of 242—4
dispersion 257
Dispersion form of scattering line 432
Dispersion frequency 358
dispersion relation 236 266
Dispersion spatial (XII) 358ff.
Dispersion time 358
Displacement current 258
Dissipative function 216
Dissipative processes in magnetohydrodynamics 228—30
domain walls 147—153
domains 80—1 143 147—51;
Domains of closure 154
Doppler broadening 359
Double circular refraction 351
Double layer 93
Double refraction 340
Double refraction in an electric field 347
Dynamical theory of scattering 443n.
Dzyaloshinskiy field 175
E waves 305 314
E.M.F. 94
Easy magnetization, direction of 139
Easy-axis type 139
Easy-plane type 139
Eddy currents 201
Eikonal 290 335
Einstein—de Haas effect 129
Elastic constant tensor 69
Elastic—optical constants 355
Electric current 1; see also Current
Electric field, static see also Electromagnetic field
Electric field, static in dielectrics 34—5
Electric field, static in dielectrics boundary conditions 35
Electric field, static in dielectrics thermodynamics of 44—8
Electric field, static of conductors 1ff.
Electric field, static of conductors boundary conditions 2—3 37 86
Electric field, static of conductors energy of 3—8
Electric induction 35
Electric losses 274
Electric moment 35
Electric-type waves see E waves
Electrocaloric effect 52 53
Electrocapillarity 96
Electrodynamics, macroscopic 1
Electromagnetic field boundary conditions 294 301 310
Electromagnetic field in moving media 260—4
Electromagnetic field quasi-static (VII) 199ff.
Electromagnetic field quasi-static (VII) in dielectrics 257—60
Electromagnetic field variable 264ff.
Electromagnetic shock wave 389
Electromagnetic wave equations (IX) 257ff.
Electromagnetic waves 257ff.
Electromagnetic waves absorption of, by small particles 322—3
Electromagnetic waves in anisotropic media (XI) 331ff.
Electromagnetic waves in anisotropic media (XI) extraordinary 340
Electromagnetic waves in anisotropic media (XI) ordinary 340
Electromagnetic waves in resonators 310—13
Electromagnetic waves plane homogeneous 285
Electromagnetic waves plane in a transparent medium 284
Electromagnetic waves plane in an absorbing medium 285—6
Electromagnetic waves plane in anisotropic media 333—8
Electromagnetic waves plane inhomogeneous 284
Electromagnetic waves plane monochromatic 283—6
Electromagnetic waves propagation of (X) 290ff.
Electromagnetic waves propagation of (X) in an inhomogeneous medium 304—10
Electromagnetic waves propagation of (X) in waveguides 313—19
Electromagnetic waves reflection and refraction of 293—300 303—4
Electromagnetic waves scattering of (XV) 413ff.
Electromagnetic waves scattering of (XV) by small particles 319—22
Electromagnetic waves strong 388—91
Electromotive force 94
Electrostatic induction coefficients 4—5
Electrostatics of conductors (I) 1ff.
Electrostatics of dielectrics (II) 34ff.
Electrostriction of conductors 31—2
Electrostriction of dielectrics 51—4
Ellipsoid conducting 19—29
Ellipsoid dielectric 39—42 52
Ellipsoid ferromagnetic 146—7
Ellipsoid magnetic 107
Ellipsoid superconducting 193
Ellipsoid tensor 55
Ellipsoidal coordinates 19—29
Energy flux (Poynting vector) 111 203 260 272 291 295 300
Energy flux (Poynting vector) in a plane wave 285 333
Energy flux (Poynting vector) in a resonator 311
Energy flux (Poynting vector) in a waveguide 315
Energy free self- 118
Energy interaction 118
Energy magnetostatic 158
Energy non-uniformity 147
Energy of a system of currents 118—21
Energy of conductors 3 111
Energy of dielectrics 45—51 74—7
Energy of emergence of domains 154
Energy of fields in dispersive media 272—6
Energy of magnetic substances 116—17 138—40 144
Ettingshausen effect 102
Euler equation 225
Exciton branch 369n.
excitons 369n.
Extinction coefficient differential 420
Extinction coefficient total 420
Extraneous charges 35 258
Extraordinary waves 340
Faraday effect 351
Faraday effect inverse 353
Faraday's law 219
Fast particles, passage of, through matter (XIV) 394ff.
Fermat's principle 291
Ferrimagnetic crystals 132
Ferroelectric axis 77
Ferroelectrics 77—85
Ferroelectrics domains in 80—1
Ferroelectrics improper 83—5
Ferromagnetic resonance homogeneous 270
Ferromagnetic resonance inhomogeneous 270
Ferromagnetism (V) 130ff.
Ferromagnetism (V) weak 172—6
ferromagnets 131
Ferromagnets domain structure of 142—4 147—59
Ferromagnets easy-axis type 139
Ferromagnets easy-plane type 139
Ferromagnets fluctuations in 162—6
Ferromagnets near the Curie point 135—8
Fizeau effect 293n.
Fluctuation region 162
Fluctuations in ferromagnets 162—6
Fluctuations of anisotropy 428
Focusing medium 379
Fresnel ellipsoid 338
Fresnel's equation 335 341
Fresnel's formulae 295
Galvanic cell 94
Geometrical optics 290—3
Group velocity 237 291 335
Gyration vector 348 354—5 363
Gyromagnetic coefficients 129
Gyromagnetic phenomena 129
Gyrotropic media 336n. 348
Gyrotropy, natural 363
H waves 305 306—7 314
Hall constant 91
Hall effect 91
Hartmann number 231
Helicoidal magnetic structure 178—9
Hydromagnetic waves 235—53
Hydromagnetic waves absorption of 239
Hysteresis 142
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