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Deransart P., Maluszynski J. — Programming Language Implementation and Logic Programming: International Workshop PLILP `90, Link?ping, Sweden, August 20-22, 1990. Proceedings
Deransart P., Maluszynski J. — Programming Language Implementation and Logic Programming: International Workshop PLILP `90, Link?ping, Sweden, August 20-22, 1990. Proceedings

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Название: Programming Language Implementation and Logic Programming: International Workshop PLILP `90, Link?ping, Sweden, August 20-22, 1990. Proceedings

Авторы: Deransart P., Maluszynski J.


This volume consists of the papers accepted for presentation at the second international workshop on Programming Language Implementation and Logic Programming (PLILP '90) held in Link?ping, Sweden, August 20-22, 1990. The aim of the workshop was to identify concepts and techniques used both in implementation of programming languages, regardless of the underlying programming paradigm, and in logic programming. The intention was to bring together researchers working in these fields. The volume includes 26 selected papers falling into two categories. Papers in the first category present certain ideas from the point of view of a particular class of programming languages, or even a particular language. The ideas presented seem to be applicable in other classes of languages. Papers in the second category directly address the problem of integration of various programming paradigms. The proceedings of the predecessor workshop PLILP '88, held in Orl?ans, France, May 16-18, 1988, are available as Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 348.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Тип: Статья

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 1990

Количество страниц: 409

Добавлена в каталог: 15.07.2020

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