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Spence C. — AIM FAR 2008: Aeronautical Information Manual federal Aviation Regulations
Spence C. — AIM FAR 2008: Aeronautical Information Manual federal Aviation Regulations

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Название: AIM FAR 2008: Aeronautical Information Manual federal Aviation Regulations

Автор: Spence C.


Checking the Federal Register every government working day, to see what the Federal Aviation Administration, the Transportation Security Administration, and the Department of Transportation might have issued, gives a vivid picture of just how much and how quickly regulations and information about Hying change. As new aircraft are introduced for the sport plane category, new high-performance jets and light jets come on the scene, and security measures intensify, this daily checking and reporting becomes more important than ever to every level of pilot in aviation. Also, these are times of transition in the air traffic control system, increased airline passenger traffic, airline airport hubbing, increased business jet travel, and disappearing general aviation airports. Air transportation in all its forms is recognized as vital to the nation’s economy. Because of this the United States Congress, state and local governments, and in some cases local airports are taking hard looks at the best way to let air transportation meet the nation’s needs. The prudent pilot recognizes this and takes care to keep current in both skills and information. It is because of the importance of a wide area of aviation information that issues of the McGraw-Hill AIM/FAR contain not only the Aeronautical Information Manual and pertinent sections of FAA regulations but also other information such as state aeronautic offices, relevant Transportation Security Administration rules, FAA offices. Congressional
offices, and much more.

Язык: en


Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2008

Количество страниц: 1002

Добавлена в каталог: 30.11.2019

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