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E. V. Valkenburg — Reference Data for Engineers - Radio, Electronics, Computer, etc
E. V. Valkenburg — Reference Data for Engineers - Radio, Electronics, Computer, etc

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Название: Reference Data for Engineers - Radio, Electronics, Computer, etc

Автор: E. V. Valkenburg


Reference Data for Engineers is the most respected, reliable, and indispensable reference tool for technical professionals around the globe. Written by professionals for professionals, this book is a complete reference for engineers, covering a broad range of topics. It is the combined effort of 96 engineers, scientists, educators, and other recognized specialists in the fields of electronics, radio, computer, and communications technology.
By providing an abundance of information on essential, need-to-know topics without heavy emphasis on complicated mathematics, Reference Data for Engineers is an absolute "must-have" for every engineer who requires comprehensive electrical, electronics, and communications data at his or her fingertips. Featured in the Ninth Edition is updated coverage on intellectual property and patents, probability and design, antennas, power electronics, rectifiers, power supplies, and properties of materials. Useful information on units, constants and conversion factors, active filter design, antennas, integrated circuits, surface acoustic wave design, and digital signal processing is also included. The Ninth Edition also offers new knowledge in the fields of satellite technology, space communication, microwave science, telecommunication, global positioning systems, frequency data, and radar.
* Widely acclaimed as the most practical reference ever published for a wide range of electronics and computer professionals, from technicians through post-graduate engineers.
* Provides a great way to learn or review the basics of various technologies, with a minimum of tables, equations, and other heavy math.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Издание: 9

Год издания: 2001

Количество страниц: 1694

Добавлена в каталог: 30.08.2019

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