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Davis H. — Absolute Beginner's Guide to Wi-Fi® Wireless Networking |
Предметный указатель | IP (Internet Protocol) address 2nd
2.4GHz radio spectrums 2nd 3rd
2.4GHz, 802.11b standard
2.4GHz, 802.11g standard
2.4GHz, Bluetooth
3G standard
5GHz radio spectrums 2nd 3rd
5GHz, 802.11a standard
802.11 standard
802.11 standard, 802.11a 2nd
802.11 standard, 802.11b 2nd
802.11 standard, 802.11g 2nd
802.11 standard, 802.11i 2nd
802.11 wireless standard
802.11 wireless standard, 802.11a
802.11 wireless standard, 802.11b
802.11 wireless standard, 802.11g
802.11 wireless standard, 802.11i
802.11 wireless standard, 802.11n
802.11 wireless standard, layers 2nd
802.11 wireless standard, modes
802.11 wireless standard, overview 2nd 3rd
802.11a standard 2nd
802.11a wireless standard
802.11b standard 2nd
802.11b wireless standard
802.11b, transmission speed
802.11g standard 2nd
802.11g wireless standard
802.11i standard 2nd
802.11i wireless standard
802.11n wireless standard
About This Mac command (Apple menu)
acces, wireless PDAs 2nd
access control layers
access points 2nd 3rd 4th
access points (AP) 2nd 3rd
access points (AP), connections 2nd 3rd
access points (AP), locating
access points (AP), locating, retail chains 2nd
access points (AP), locating, Wi-Fi Directories 2nd
access points (AP), locating, Wi-Fi service providers 2nd
access points (APs)
access points, AirPort Extreme Base Station 2nd 3rd
access points, antennas 2nd 3rd
access points, antennas, adding 2nd
access points, antennas, built-in
access points, antennas, Cantennas 2nd
access points, antennas, connectors
access points, antennas, costs 2nd
access points, antennas, directional
access points, antennas, frequency
access points, antennas, gain
access points, antennas, installing 2nd
access points, antennas, multipolarized
access points, antennas, omnidirectional
access points, antennas, power
access points, antennas, radio patterns
access points, antennas, vendors 2nd
access points, choosing 2nd
access points, configuring 2nd
access points, configuring, AirPort Extreme Base Station 2nd 3rd
access points, configuring, Linksys's Wireless Broadband Router model BEFW11S4 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
access points, configuring, wireless networks
access points, configuring, wireless networks, encryption 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
access points, Linksys's Wireless Broadband Router model BEFW11S4 2nd
access points, passwords 2nd
access points, routers
access points, routers, combining 2nd
access points, setting up 2nd 3rd 4th
access points, setting up, collecting settings 2nd
access points, setting up, collecting settings, Windows Me/98 2nd
access points, setting up, collecting settings, Windows XP/2000 2nd
access points, setting up, hardware installations 2nd 3rd
access points, setting up, Internet connections 2nd
access points, setting up, troubleshooting 2nd
access points, setting up, wired networks 2nd
access points, wireless network bridges 2nd
access, AirPort application
access, Device Manager
Access, Internet
access, Internet, troubleshooting
access, PCI cards
access, WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) 2nd
access, WPA, authentication
access, WPA, encryption
Actions menu commands
Actions menu commands, Add/Edit
Actions menu commands, Add/Edit Configuration Profile
ad hoc mode
ad hoc mode, 802.11 wireless standard
ad hoc mode, versus infrastructure mode 2nd 3rd
ad-hoc networks
ad-hoc networks, benefits 2nd
ad-hoc networks, configuring 2nd 3rd
ad-hoc networks, configuring, Apple computers 2nd 3rd
ad-hoc networks, configuring, Windows 2nd
ad-hoc networks, configuring, Windows 98 2nd 3rd
ad-hoc networks, configuring, Windows 98/Me
ad-hoc networks, configuring, Windows XP 2nd 3rd 4th
ad-hoc networks, file sharing
ad-hoc networks, limitations
ad-hoc networks, security
adapters, Microsoft Xbox
adapters, radio pigtails
adapters, radio pigtails, antenna installations
adapters, USB (Universal Serial Bus) Wi-Fi
adapters, USB, installing 2nd
adapters, USB, installing, Macintosh 2nd 3rd 4th
adapters, USB, installing, Windows
adapters, wireless
adapters, wireless, MN-740
Add/Edit command (Actions menu)
Add/Edit Configuration Profile command (Actions menu)
Add/Edit Configuration Profile window 2nd
Addresses [See also IP addresses]
addresses, IP (Internet Protocol)
addresses, IP (Internet Protocol) automatic, Linksys's Wireless Broadband Router model BEFW11S4 configura 2nd
addresses, IP, 2nd
addresses, IP, assigning
Advanced dialog box
Advanced Internet Access Web site
Airpath Wireless Web site
AirPort 2nd
AirPort application
AirPort application, accessing
AirPort cards
AirPort cards, installing
AirPort cards, installing, Apple desktop computers 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
Airport Extreme 2nd
AirPort Extreme Base Station 2nd 3rd
AirPort Extreme Base Station, configuring 2nd 3rd
Airport Extreme by Apple card 2nd
AirPort menu commands
AirPort menu commands, Choose Network
AirPort menu commands, Computer to Computer
AirPort Setup Assistant 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
airports, hotspots
airports, hotspots, locating 2nd
all-in-one PDAs 2nd
Antennas 2nd 3rd
antennas, adding 2nd
antennas, AirPort Extreme Base Station 2nd
| antennas, built-in
antennas, Cantennas 2nd
antennas, connectors
antennas, costs 2nd
antennas, directional
antennas, frequency
Antennas, gain
antennas, installing 2nd
antennas, Linksys's Wireless Broadband Router model BEFW11S4
antennas, multipolarized
antennas, omnidirectional
antennas, power
antennas, radiation patterns
antennas, vendors 2nd
antennas, Wi-Fi PC Cards
antennas, Wi-Fi PC Cards, comparing
antivirus software
antivirus software, laptop security 2nd
AP (access points) 2nd 3rd
AP (access points), connections 2nd 3rd
AP (access points), locating
AP (access points), locating, retail chains 2nd
AP (access points), locating, Wi-Fi Directories 2nd
AP (access points), locating, Wi-Fi service providers 2nd
Apple desktop computers
Apple desktop computers, buying 2nd
Apple Macintosh [See Macintosh]
Apple menu commands
Apple menu commands, About This Mac
Apple PowerBook
Apple PowerBook, Airport Extreme by Apple card 2nd
Apple PowerBook, laptops
Apple PowerBook, laptops, Wi-Fi PC Card installation
Apple Web site 2nd 3rd
Apple, ad-hoc networking
Apple, ad-hoc networking, configuring 2nd 3rd
Apple, AirPort Extreme Base Station 2nd 3rd
Apple, Internet connections
Apple, Internet connections, sharing
Apple, laptops
Apple, laptops, purchasing considerations
applications, AirPort
applications, AirPort, accessing
applications, PDAs 2nd
APS [See access points]
Assistants folder
Assistants folder, AirPort Setup Assistant
assistants, AirPort Setup Assistant 2nd
AT&T Web site
AT&T Wireless
AT&T Wireless, contact information
AT&T Wireless, costs
Atheros Communications
audio, streaming
authentication, WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access)
automatic IP addresses
automatic IP addresses, Linksys's Wireless Broadband Router model BEFW11S4 configurations 2nd
AvantGo Web site
Azure Wireless Web site
bands, radio spectrums
base stations [See access points (APs)]
batteries, laptops
batteries, laptops, curing
battery life
battery life, laptops 2nd
BAWUG (Bay Area Wireless Users Group) Web site
Bay Area Wireless Users Group (BAWUG) Web site
biometric scanning
biometric scanning, laptop security
BIOS passwords 2nd
BlackBerry (Research in Motion)
Boingo Wireless
Boingo Wireless Web site
Boingo Wireless Wi-Fi service provider
Boingo Wireless, contact information
Boingo Wireless, costs 2nd
brands, Wi-Fi PC Cards
brands, Wi-Fi PC Cards, comparing 2nd
bridges, wireless
bridges, wireless network 2nd
bridges, wireless, gaming consoles
broadband Internet connections
broadband Internet connections, hotspots
broadcasts, SSID
broadcasts, SSID, enabling/disabling
Browse by Region link
built-in antennas
bus topology (networks)
cable locks
cable locks, laptops 2nd 3rd
cable modems
cable modems, sharing Internet connections 2nd
cable modems, sharing Internet connections, IP addresses 2nd
cameras, digital
cameras, digital, cell phones
cameras, Web cams
Cantennas (antennas) 2nd
cards [See also PC Cards]2nd [See also PC cards]
cards, AirPort
cards, AirPort, installing, Apple desktop computers 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
cards, CF (Compact Flash) 2nd
cards, PC
cards, PC, laptops 2nd 3rd 4th
cards, PC, tuning 2nd 3rd 4th
cards, PCI
cards, PCI, accessing
cards, USB
cards, USB, laptops
Cell phones
cell phones, digital cameras 2nd
cell phones, WAP (Wireless Protocol Application)
cell phones, WAP, locating hotspots
central processing unit (CPU) [See microprocessors]
CF (Compact Flash) cards 2nd
chargers, external
chargers, external, PDAs
China Pulse Web site 2nd
Choose Network command (AirPort menu)
Client Manager 2nd
client/server networks 2nd
closed hotspots
CNET Web site 2nd
collecting settings
collecting settings, access points 2nd
collecting settings, access points, Windows Me/98 2nd
collecting settings, access points, Windows XP/2000 2nd
colleges, hotspots
colleges, hotspots, locating
commadns, Apple menu
commadns, Apple menu, About This Mac
commands, Actions menu
commands, Actions menu, Add/Edit
commands, Actions menu, Add/Edit Configuration Profile
commands, AirPort menu
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