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Lane D., Williams H.E. — Web Database Application with PHP and MySQL |
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SELECT statement, INSERT, using with
SELECT statement, LIMIT operators
SELECT statement, ORDER BY clause
SELECT statement, sorting and grouping output
SELECT statement, WHERE clause
selectDistinct( ) function (MySQL)
selectFont( ) method (pdf-php)
server variables
sessionAuthenticate( ) function (PHP) 2nd 3rd
sessionClose( ) handler function
sessionGC( ) garbage collection handler
sessionOpen( ) handler function
sessionRead( ) handler function
Sessions 2nd
sessions, advantages
sessions, authentication and
sessions, bookmarks and
sessions, cookies
sessions, definition
sessions, disadvantages
sessions, ending
sessions, hijacking, prevention
sessions, management 2nd [See also PHP session
sessions, management, configuration
sessions, management, garbage collection
sessions, management, without cookies
sessions, performance
sessions, PHP accessing functions
sessions, PHP accessing functions, with register_globals enabled
sessions, PHP API and configuration
sessions, security aspects
sessions, session hijacking
sessions, session identifiers
sessions, session identifiers (IDs)
sessions, session variables 2nd 3rd
sessions, session variables, serialization 2nd
sessions, session variables, storage, database tier
sessions, session variables, types
sessions, session variables, unsetting
sessions, session-based applications, designing
sessions, session-based applications, designing, tracking anonymous users
sessions, session-based applications, designing, tracking authenticated users
sessions, starting
sessions, state information storage
sessions, timeouts
sessions, validation using
sessions, when to use
sessionWrite( ) handler function
session_destroy( ) function (PHP) 2nd
session_destroy( ) handler function
session_id( ) function (PHP)
session_is_registered( ) function (PHP)
session_readonly( ) function (PHP)
session_register( ) function (PHP)
session_set_save_handler( ) function (PHP) 2nd
session_start( ) function (PHP) 2nd
session_unregister( ) function (PHP)
session_unset( ) function (PHP)
setupQuery( ) function (winestore database)
set_error_handler( ) function (PHP)
shapeInfo( ) function (PHP)
shellclean( ) function 2nd
shell_exec( ) function (PHP), security risks
short-circuit evaluation property
SHOW command (MySQL)
showcart.php (winestore database) 2nd 3rd 4th
showcart.tpl (winestore database) 2nd
showCountry( ) function (winestore database)
showerror( ) function (PHP)
showPricing( ) function (winestore database)
showTitle( ) function (winestore database)
showVarieties( ) function (winestore database)
showWine( ) function (winestore database)
sin( ) function (MySQL)
Smarty PHP template engine
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
sort( ) function (PHP)
sorting arrays [See arrays sorting]
special characters
special characters, escaping in regular expressions
special characters, use in attacks
sprintf( ) function (PHP)
sprintf( ) function (PHP), supported conversion types
SQL 2nd [See also databases]3rd 4th [See also MySQL]5th
SQL, advanced querying
SQL, arithmetic and comparison operators
SQL, data types for attributes
SQL, table creation based on ER modeling
SQL, user variables
sqrt( ) function (MySQL)
srand( ) function (PHP)
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol
start anchors (^) (regular expressions)
stateful versus stateless applications
static member functions
static member variables
static variables
storage engines [See table types]
Stored procedures
strcasecmp( ) function (PHP)
strcmp( ) function (PHP)
strftime( ) function (PHP)
string expressions
string functions (MySQL)
string literals
strings 2nd
strings, arrays, splitting into
strings, case, changing
strings, characters
strings, characters, replacing in
strings, characters, translating
strings, characters, trimming from
Strings, comparing
strings, formatting
strings, length
strings, padding
strings, regular expressions, matching with [See regular expressions]
strings, sprintf( ) and printf( ) functions (PHP)
strings, sprintf( ) and printf( ) functions (PHP), supported conversion types
strings, substrings
strings, substrings, extraction from strings
strings, substrings, replacing
strings, substrings, translating
strings, timestamps, generating from date strings
strings, trimming whitespace
strings, validation of
strings, validation of, email addresses
strings, validation of, legal character tests
strings, validation of, URLs
strings, validation of, Zip and postcodes
strings, wildcard matching
strlen( ) function (PHP)
strncasecmp( ) function (PHP)
strncmp( ) function (PHP)
strtolower( ) function (PHP)
strtotime( ) function (PHP) 2nd
strtoupper( ) function (PHP) 2nd
strtr( ) function (PHP)
strval( ) function (PHP)
str_pad( ) function (PHP)
str_replace( ) function (PHP)
substr( ) function (PHP)
substring( ) function (MySQL)
substrings [See strings substrings]
substr_replace( ) function (PHP)
SUM( ) function (MySQL)
switch statement
| system( ) function (PHP)
system( ) function (PHP), security risks of
tables, attributes
tables, attributes, modifiers
tables, checking and repair
tables, creating
tables, deleting
tables, types
tainted data
tan( ) function (MySQL)
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
telephone database
telephone database, creating
telephone database, record creation, HTML form for
telephone database, reload problem and solutions
templates/custreceipt.tpl (winestore database)
templates/details.tpl (winestore database)
templates/email.tpl (winestore database)
templates/index.tpl (winestore database)
templates/orderreceipt.tpl (winestore database)
templates/search.tpl (winestore database) 2nd
templates/showcart.tpl (winestore database) 2nd
templates/winestore.tpl (winestore database) 2nd
text editors
thin clients
three-tier architecture, web database applications
throw statement 2nd 3rd
time validation
time( ) function (PHP)
timestamp( ) function (MySQL)
timestamps, generating from date strings
timestamps, subsecond timestamp functions
TRACE request (HTTP)
Trigonometric functions
trim( ) function (MySQL)
trim( ) function (PHP)
TRUNCATE statement
truncate( ) function (MySQL)
try...catch statement 2nd
two-phase locking
two-tier architecture
type-casting operators
Types 2nd
types, gettype( ), print_r( ), and var_dump( ) functions (PHP)
types, type conversion
types, type conversion, automatic conversion
types, type conversion, examples
types, variables
types, variables, boolean functions for type checking
types, variables, testing, setting, and unsetting
uasort( ) function (PHP)
ucfirst( ) function (PHP)
ucwords( ) function (PHP)
uksort( ) function (PHP)
Uniform Resource Identifiers
Uniform Resource Locators [See URLs]
UNION clause
Unix, automated querying
Unix, PEAR installation and upgrade
Unix, PEAR package inspection
Unix, report output formats
UNLOCK TABLES statement, necessary use of
unregisterLogin( ) function (PHP)
unrepeatable reads
unset( ) function (PHP) 2nd
unset( ) function (PHP), array elements, removing with
UPDATE statement
UPDATE statement, joins and
update( ) function (JavaScript)
updatecart.php (winestore database) 2nd 3rd 4th
upper( ) function (MySQL)
URLs (Uniform Resource Locators)
URLs, absolute and relative URLs
URLs, fragment identifiers
URLs, host and service identification
URLs, nonstandard TCP ports
URLs, parameters and queries
URLs, protocol
URLs, resource identification
URLs, URL encoding
URLs, validation of
user input processing
user input processing, queries using
user input processing, tainted data
user input processing, user-driven querying
user variables
USER( ) function (MySQL)
User-defined functions
user-defined functions, parameter types and return types
user-defined functions, reusing with include and require files
user-defined functions, variables
user-defined functions, variables, passing to functions
users table (winestore database)
users, creating
USING clause
usort( ) function (PHP)
validation, client-side versus server-side
validation, client-side with JavaScript
validation, client-side with JavaScript, advantages
validation, client-side with JavaScript, debugging
validation, client-side with JavaScript, DOM 2nd
validation, client-side with JavaScript, events
validation, client-side with JavaScript, example script
validation, client-side with JavaScript, examples
validation, client-side with JavaScript, functions
validation, client-side with JavaScript, generic validation function
validation, client-side with JavaScript, JavaScript syntax
validation, client-side with JavaScript, loops and conditionals
validation, client-side with JavaScript, methods and properties
validation, client-side with JavaScript, navigator object
validation, client-side with JavaScript, objects
validation, common approaches
validation, effective models
validation, error reporting and
validation, ineffective models
validation, informative error messages
validation, post-validation models
validation, rekeying of data, avoiding
validation, server-side with PHP
validation, server-side with PHP, credit cards
validation, server-side with PHP, dates and times
validation, server-side with PHP, mandatory data
validation, server-side with PHP, numbers
validation, server-side with PHP, PEAR Date package, using
validation, server-side with PHP, strings
validation, server-side with PHP, time validation
validation, sessions and
variable substitution
Variables 2nd
variables, destroying
variables, escape sequences and
variables, global variables
variables, passing to functions
variables, passing to functions, assigning by reference
variables, passing to functions, by reference
variables, passing to functions, default parameter values
variables, static variables
variables, types
variables, types, checking
variables, types, testing, setting, and unsetting
variables, variable assignment
variables, variable scope
var_dump( ) function (PHP)
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