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Medium Infrared (MIR)
Message integrity check (MIC)
MF (Medium Frequency) band
MIC (message integrity check)
Microsoft Smart Display 2nd
Microsoft Streets and Trips package
military use of GPS
MIR (Medium Infrared)
Mobile phones
mobile phones, Bluetooth devices
mobile phones, connecting to Internet through
mobile phones, GPRS
mobile phones, pairing computers with
mobile phones, T9 technology for inputting text
mobile phones, tri-band phones
modems, cell phones as
modems, GPRS
modes for wireless networking
modulating radio waves
modulation schemes
modules, GPRS
MS-CHAP v2 (Microsoft Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol Version 2)
multitap method on mobile phones
NAT (Network Address Translation)
NAT, as security feature
NAT, DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) and
NAT, IPv4/IPv6
navigational uses of GPS
navigational uses of GPS, NMEA-0183 standard and
NetGear MR814 802.11b Cable/DSL Wireless Router
NetStumbler tool
NetStumbler tool, configuring scan speed
NetStumbler tool, security issues and
NetStumbler tool, using with GPS
network adapters, dual-band
Network Address Translation (NAT)
Network Address Translation (NAT), as security feature
Network Address Translation (NAT), IPv4/IPv6
network aggregators, wireless
network devices, finding MAC addresses of
network numbers
network numbers, calculating from IP addresses
Network-to-network VPN
networks, classes of
networks, transmitting packets between
Networks, wireless [See wireless networks]
newsgroups about cellular issues
NMEA (National Marine Electronics Association)
NMEA-0183 standard
Nokia 6610 mobile phones
Nokia 6610 mobile phones, connecting to Internet via infrared
Nokia D211 GPRS cards 2nd
Nokia D211 GPRS cards, configuring for
Nokia D211 GPRS cards, configuring for, GPRS access
Nokia D211 GPRS cards, configuring for, WLAN access
Nokia D211 GPRS cards, installing
Nokia D211 GPRS cards, messaging using SMS
Nokia D211 GPRS cards, vs. Nokia D311
Nokia D311 GPRS cards
Nokia D311 GPRS cards, configuring for
Nokia D311 GPRS cards, configuring for, GPRS access
Nokia D311 GPRS cards, configuring for, WLAN access
noncryptographic authentication scheme
nonoverlapping channels in 802.11b
notebook computers, putting Wi-Fi on
nslookup utility
Object Push Profile
OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) modulation scheme
office network setup
Open System Authentication scheme
openssh utility
Optimization Manager provided by AT&T Wireless
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) modulation scheme
packets, encapsulating, via tunneling
packets, encrypting on wireless networks
packets, transmitting between networks
paging (initiating a connection)
pairing devices
Palm Handhelds, connecting to, using Bluetooth
Palm Tungsten T Personal Digital Assistant
passwords, 802.1X authentication and
passwords, Administrator, changing
passwords, capturing, using Ethereal
passwords, EAP-MD5 protocol and
passwords, PEAP and MS-CHAP v2 authentication methods
passwords, tracert command and
passwords, VPNs and
passwords, Wi-Fi security and
PCI adapters
PCMCIA wireless cards
PCMCIA wireless cards, Bluetooth and
PCMCIA wireless cards, connecting to networks using
PCMCIA wireless cards, connecting to networks using, Cisco Aironet 350 card
PCMCIA wireless cards, connecting to networks using, D-Link AirPlus DWL-650+ card
PCMCIA wireless cards, connecting to networks using, Sprint AirPrime PC3200 card
PCMCIA wireless cards, GPRS/GSM networks and
PCS Connection Manager
PCS Vision network [See Sprint PCS Vision network]
PDAs (personal digital assistants)
PDAs, Compact Flash Bluetooth cards and
PEAP (Protected EAP)
performance issues for cellular networking 2nd
peripherals, connecting to ViewSonic AirPanel V150
Personal digital assistants (PDAs)
Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), Compact Flash Bluetooth cards and
pfirewall.log file
Phones [See mobile phones]
Ping command
plain GPS receivers
plaintext, transferring in
PM (Pulse Modulation)
Pocket PCs
Pocket PCs, connecting to, using Bluetooth
Pocket PCs, file transfers between computers and
PocketMap PMG-220 CF GPS receiver
Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)
Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP), pass-through feature
Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP), setting WAN IP address
port 3389
port 3389, setting up Remote Desktop
port-based authentication mechanism [See 802.1X standard]
ports, controlled/uncontrolled
ports, infrared
ports, numbers of, assigned by ICANN
ports, opening, to provide access
positional information on earth
positional information on earth, calculating with GPS 2nd
positional information on earth, Microsoft Streets and Tips
positional information on earth, NetStumbler and
PPPoE (PPP over Ethernet) protocol, setting WAN IP address
PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol)
PPTP, pass-through feature
PPTP, setting WAN IP address
Preferred networks section
Preferred networks section, manually adding SSID to
price issues for cellular networking 2nd
pricing plans for cellular networking
printing wirelessly with Bluetooth
printing wirelessly with Bluetooth, troubleshooting
private networks, reserved IP addresses for
profiles, Bluetooth
protocols, parameters for, assigned by ICANN
| protocols, tunneling
provisioning process done by PCS Connection Manager
Proxy servers
proxy servers, bypassing
proxy servers, compressing
proxy servers, issues with VPNs and
pscp (secure copy) utility
psftp (secure FTP) utility
Pulse Modulation (PM)
pure wireless access points
PuTTY utility
QFE (Quick Fix Engineering) 313183 patch
radio devices, frequency range of
radio frequency spectrum 2nd
radio interference and absorption
Radio waves
radio waves, absorption of
radio waves, amplitude of
radio waves, basics of
radio waves, behavior of
radio waves, Bluetooth and
radio waves, diffraction of
radio waves, GPS (Global Positioning System) satellites and
radio waves, modulating
radio waves, reflection of
radio waves, refraction of
radio waves, scattering
radio waves, security issues with
radio waves, Wi-Fi and
RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) server
RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) server, configuring
ranges of IP addresses
RAS (Remote Access Service) protocol, setting WAN IP address
RC4 stream cipher algorithm
RDC (Remote Desktop Client), downloading
rdesktop (open source client)
RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol)
reflection of radio waves
refraction of radio waves
Remote Access Service (RAS) protocol, setting WAN IP address
Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADISU) server
Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADISU) server, configuring
Remote Desktop
Remote Desktop Client (RDC), downloading
Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)
Remote Desktop, connecting to remote hosts with
Remote Desktop, downloading clients for Mac OS X/Unix users
Remote Desktop, setting up
repeaters, wireless
repeaters, wireless, setting up
repeaters, wireless, using access points as
Requests For Comments (RFCs)
Reserved IP addresses
RFCs (Requests For Comments)
RMS (Root Mean Square), measuring accuracy of GPS receivers
road warriors, tips for
rogue access points
Root Mean Square (RMS), measuring accuracy of GPS receivers
routers, wireless [See wireless routers]
routes (collection of waypoints)
routing, IP
SA (Selective Availability), turning on/off 2nd
SAFER+ algorithm (Secure and Fast Encryption Routine)
safety issues when Wardriving
satellites, earth-orbiting
scan speed of NetStumbler, configuring
scattering radio waves
SD (Secure Digital) cards for Bluetooth
SDAP (Service Discovery Application Profile)
Secure Digital cards for Bluetooth
Secure Shell (SSH) protocol 2nd
security modes for Bluetooth devices
security, Bluetooth technology and
security, firewalls and 2nd
security, infrared technology and
security, of access points
security, SSH (Secure Shell) protocol 2nd
security, VPNs (Virtual Private Networks)
security, wireless networks 2nd
Selective Availability (SA), turning on/off 2nd
Serial Infrared (SIR)
Serial Port Profile 2nd
serial ports
serial ports, adjusting allocations for
serial ports, installing GPS devices
Service Discovery Application Profile (SDAP)
service profiles, Bluetooth
Service Set Identifier [See SSID]
setup wizard for D-Link DI-714P+
Shamir, Adi
shared static keys, security problems with
SHF (Super High Frequency) band
Short Message Service messages [See SMS messages]
Sierra Wireless AirCard 555
Sierra Wireless AirCard 555, Venturi compression software included with
Sierra Wireless Aircard 750
Signal strength
signal strength, displaying graphically
signal strength, link quality and
signal-to-noise ratio for access points, displaying
signs/logos of WISPs
SIM (subscriber identity module) cards
SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) cards, configuring GPRS access
SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) cards, GPRS modems and
sine waves representing radio waves
SIR (Serial Infrared)
Site Survey page in AirPlus utility
site surveys, finding wireless networks using
Smart Display (Microsoft) 2nd
SMS (Short Message Service) messages
SMS (Short Message Service) messages, increasing performance with
SMS (Short Message Service) messages, inputting text on mobile phones
SMS (Short Message Service) messages, messaging on Nokia D211
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) monitoring
Socket CF Bluetooth adapters
software for GPS
Sony Ericsson
Sony Ericsson, Bluetooth-capable phones
Sony Ericsson, Ericsson and
Sony Ericsson, GM29 devices
Sony Ericsson, GM47/GM48 devices
Sony Ericsson, P800 mobile phones
Sony Ericsson, T68i mobile phones
Sony Ericsson, T68i mobile phones, connecting to Internet using
Sony Ericsson, T68i mobile phones, dialing
Sony Ericsson, T68i mobile phones, pairing with computers
Sony Ericsson, T68i mobile phones, supporting GPRS for data access
spam filters, increasing performance with
special-use IP addresses
spectrum of radio frequencies 2nd
Spread Spectrum Frequency Hopping technique (Bluetooth)
Spread Spectrum Technology (SST)
Sprint AirPrime PC3200 card
Sprint AirPrime PC3200 card, activating
Sprint AirPrime PC3200 card, installing
Sprint AirPrime PC3200 card, PCS Connection Manager and
Sprint PCS Vision network
Sprint PCS Vision network, activating AirPrime PC3200
Sprint PCS Vision network, CDMA2000 used on
Sprint PCS Vision network, compression capabilities of
SSH (Secure Shell) protocol 2nd
SSID (Service Set Identifier)
SSID, ad-hoc networks and
SSID, changing default
SSID, disabling broadcast of 2nd
SSID, disabling broadcast of, as security feature
SSID, disabling broadcast of, as security feature, problems with
SSID, MAC address filtering and
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