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Chen H., Santanam R., Ramesh R. — Handbooks in Information Systems (№2 2007)
Chen H., Santanam R., Ramesh R. — Handbooks in Information Systems (№2 2007)

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Название: Handbooks in Information Systems (№2 2007)

Авторы: Chen H., Santanam R., Ramesh R.


This edited volume is intended to address in a comprehensive and integrated manner three major areas of national and international security research from an information systems-centric perspective: legal and policy frameworks; intelligence and security informatics; and emergency preparedness and infrastructure protection. The discussions are replete with real-world case studies and examples that present the concepts using an integrated, action-oriented and theory-based approach to validate the frameworks presented and to provide specific insights on the technical approaches and organizational issues under investigation.This book is intended to be used as both a textbook and a comprehensive research handbook. The contributors to this edited volume are renowned experts in their respective fields. Most of the chapters contained in this book provide an updated comprehensive survey of the related field and also specific findings from cutting-edging innovative research. To facilitate its adoption as a textbook, all the authors have included specific discussion questions that could be utilized to stimulate discussions and potentially further research in the area. This book addresses three major areas of national and international security research from an information systems-centric perspective. It focuses on legal and policy frameworks, intelligence and security informatics, and emergency preparedness and infrastructure protection. Real-world case studies are used as examples to provide specific insights.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Тип: Журнал Handbooks in Information Systems

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2007

Количество страниц: 441

Добавлена в каталог: 04.04.2019

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