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Holly Ross, Katrin Verclas, Alison Levine — Managing Technology to Meet Your Mission: A Strategic Guide for Nonprofit Leaders
Holly Ross, Katrin Verclas, Alison Levine — Managing Technology to Meet Your Mission: A Strategic Guide for Nonprofit Leaders

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Название: Managing Technology to Meet Your Mission: A Strategic Guide for Nonprofit Leaders

Авторы: Holly Ross, Katrin Verclas, Alison Levine


Managing Technology to Meet Your Mission is a practical resource that will help nonprofit professionals make smart, strategic decisions about technology. The book shows how to effectively manage technology and offers practical advice for decision makers and staff alike who often have little or no experience with technology. With contributions from the top experts in the nonprofit technology field, this must-have guide addresses technology planning and people. It includes the tools you need to get the work done, and the knowledge that will help you communicate better, evaluate technology investments, raise money, and more. Written in nontechnical language the book covers a broad spectrum of topics including: Achieving IT Alignment with Your Mission Steve Heye, YMCA of the USA Managing Technology Change Dahna Goldstein, PhilanTech Measuring the Return on Investment of Technology Beth Kanter, trainer, blogger and consultant IT Planning and Prioritizing Peter Campbell, Earthjustice Finding and Keeping the Right PeopleJames L. Weinberg and Cassie Scarano, Commongood Careers Budgeting For and Funding Technology Scott McCallum and Keith R. Thode, Aidmatrix Foundation Introduction to IT and Systems Kevin Lo and Willow Cook, TechSoup Global Where Are Your Stakeholders, and What Are They Doing Online? Michael Cervino, Beaconfire Consulting Effective Online CommunicationsJohn Kenyon, nonprofit technology strategist Effective Online Fundraising Madeline Stanionis, Watershed The Future if IT in NonprofitsEdward Granger-Happ, Save the Children Praise for Managing Technology to Meet Your Mission''This invaluable guide for nonprofit leaders proves that nonprofit organizations can and should embrace technology, rather than being scared of or intimidated by it!'' —Kristie Ferketich, senior strategist, Google Grants, Google Inc.''NTEN's Managing Technology to Meet Your Mission can help leaders craft a technology strategy that makes sense and builds ROI while also providing inspiration for their staff and supporters!'' —Jonathon D. Colman, associate director and web evangelista, digital marketing, The Nature Conservancy ''This book shows what NTEN does best: Bring together a wide range of voices to provide practical technology strategies and know-how to help nonprofits more efficiently and effectively move their own missions forward.'' —Marnie Webb, TechSoup Global

Язык: en

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Издание: 1-е

Год издания: 2009

Количество страниц: 320

Добавлена в каталог: 18.12.2018

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