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Alhir S.S. — Learning UML
Alhir S.S. — Learning UML

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Название: Learning UML

Автор: Alhir S.S.


Since the dawn of computing, software designers and developers have searched for ways to describe the systems they worked so hard to create. Flowcharts enabled the concise documentation of program-flow and algorithms. Entity-relationship diagrams enabled database designers to convey the structure underlying the collection of tables and columns that made up a schema. From the beginning, technologists recognized the descriptive power inherent in visual representations of a system, yet it wasn't until 1997 that the first attempt to create a visual language that could be used across all aspects of a system development project came to fruition. Unified Modeling Language (UML) was born. UML has taken the software development industry by storm. Widely supported by development and documentation tools, UML can be used on the one hand by programmers to record such things as the detailed design of classes in an object-oriented system and on the other hand by business analysts to give the broad-brush picture of how a system interacts with users and other systems. UML has become the lingua franca of software development, and no one in the software industry can afford to be without knowledge of this powerfully expressive visual language. Learning UML introduces UML and places it in perspective, then leads you through an orderly progress towards mastery of the language. You'll begin by learning how UML is used to model the structure of a system. Many key UML concepts, especially that of the general (classes) versus the specific (objects), are illustrated in the chapter on class and object diagrams. Next, you'll learn how to use use-case diagrams to model the functionality of a system. Finally, you'll see how component and deployment diagrams are used to model the way in which a system is deployed in a physical environment. Structural modeling answers the "who" and "what" questions of systems development. Behavioral modeling addresses the questions of "when," "how," and "why." You'll learn how to use sequence and collaboration, to model the interaction over time between system components, how to use state diagrams to describe the life cycle of system components, and how to use activity diagrams to document control-flow and responsibility. Throughout this book, author Sinan Si Alhir maintains a clear focus on UML the language and avoids getting caught up in the cobwebs of methodology. His presentation is direct and to-the-point. Each chapter ends with a set of exercises that you can use to test your growing knowledge of UML and its concepts. As you work your way through the book, you'll find yourself warming up to the simple yet expressive language that is UML, and using it to communicate effectively and professionally about all aspects of system design.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Руководства по программному обеспечению/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 304

Добавлена в каталог: 05.03.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
functional requirements, use cases      
generalizations      2nd 3rd
generalizations, actor generalizations      
generalizations, ancestors      
generalizations, children      
generalizations, descendants      
generalizations, implementation classes      
generalizations, interfaces      
generalizations, parents      
generalizations, subclasses      
generalizations, super-classes      
generalizations, types      
generalizations, undifferentiated classes      
generalizations, use-case generalizations      
generic package      
generic-form interactions      
getDateAndTime action      
grammar, languages      
group business-processing server node instance      
has-a relationships      
history of UML      
history of UML, fragmentation period      
history of UML, industrialization period      
history of UML, revision period      
history of UML, standardization period      
history of UML, unification period      
human resource      2nd
implementation architectural view      
implementation classes      
implementation classes, generalizations      
implementation classes, realizations      
implementation diagrams      2nd
implementation diagrams, nodes      
implementationClass keyword      
inactive simple states, state diagrams      
include dependencies      
include dependencies, base use case      
include dependencies, inclusion use cases      
inclusion use case      
increments, iterations      
industrialization period of development      
Information hiding      
initial action state      
initial action state, activity diagrams      
initial states, state diagrams      2nd
initiator role      
instance scoped objects      
instance-form interactions      
instance-level collaboration      
instance-scoped attributes      
instances, collaboration instances      
instances, component instances      
instances, contextual instances, OCL expressions      
instances, interaction instances      
instances, node instances      
instances, use-case instances      
interaction diagrams      2nd
interaction instances      
interaction modeling      
interactions, behavior sequences      
interactions, conditional      
interactions, generic-form interactions      
interactions, instance-form interactions      
interactions, messages      
interactions, optional      
interactions, repeated      
interfaces, APIs      
interfaces, binary associations      
interfaces, generalizations      
interfaces, link ends      
interfaces, n-ary associations      
interfaces, user interface components      
interfaces, web user interface component instances      
iteration, architecture and      
iteration, increments      
iteration, requirements and      
iteration, risk      
iteration, sequence      
iteration, use case      
iterative approach      
Jacobson, Ivar      
keyword-value pairs      
keywords, implementationClass      
keywords, profile      
keywords, subsystem      
keywords, tag definitions      
language architecture, four-layer metamodeling architecture      
language aspect, UML      
language exstensibility      
languages, alphabet and      
languages, grammar and      
languages, paradigm      
languages, semantics      
languages, sentences      
languages, words      
lifecycles, state and      
lifelines, sequence diagrams      
line paths      
line paths, relationships and      
link ends      
link ends, aggregation      
link ends, composition      
link ends, interfaces      
link ends, multiplicity      
link ends, multiplicity, of 1      
link ends, multiplicity, of more than 1      
link ends, navigation      
link ends, qualifiers      
link ends, rolenames      
link ends, types      
link objects      
link objects, OCL      
links      2nd
links, association roles      
links, binary links      
links, collaboration diagrams      
links, link ends      
links, link ends, aggregation      
links, link ends, composition      
links, link ends, interfaces      
links, link ends, multiplicity      
links, link ends, navigation      
links, link ends, qualifiers      
links, link ends, rolenames      
links, link ends, types      
links, n-ary links      
links, object diagrams      
local data component instances      
LogMessage action, state diagrams      
M0-level layer (user model layer)      
M1-level layer (model layer)      
M2-level layer (metamodel layer)      
M3-level layer (meta-metamodel layer)      
messages, clients      2nd
messages, collaborations      
messages, interactions      
messages, stimuli and      
messages, suppliers      2nd
meta-metamodel (M3-level layer)      
metamodel layer (M2-level layer)      
METHODS      2nd
methods, information hiding      
methods, polymorphism      
methods, role identification      
model aspect of UML      
model elements      
model layer (M1-level layer)      
model management elements      
model management elements, packages      
model management elements, subsystems      
modeling techniques      
modeling techniques, state modeling      
models, abstractions      
models, behavior modeling      
models, definition      
models, structural modeling      
multiplicity, association ends      
multiplicity, link ends      
multiplicity, qualifiers      
n-ary associations      
n-ary associations, interfaces      
n-ary associations, types      
n-ary links      
names, use cases      
namespaces, packages      
navigation, association ends      
navigation, link ends      
node classes      
node instances      
node instances, desktop client node      
node instances, enterprise business-processing server node instance      
node instances, group business-processing server node instance      
nodes      2nd
nodes, business-processing server      
nodes, communication associations      
nodes, database servers      
nodes, desktop client      
nodes, printers      
object diagrams      
object diagrams, attribute values      
object diagrams, links      
object diagrams, objects      
object-flow in activity diagrams      
object-flow transitions      
object-oriented paradigm      
object-oriented paradigm, associations      
object-oriented paradigm, behavioral features      
object-oriented paradigm, behavioral modeling      
object-oriented paradigm, classes      
object-oriented paradigm, concepts      
object-oriented paradigm, concepts, associations      
object-oriented paradigm, concepts, attributes      
object-oriented paradigm, concepts, classes      
object-oriented paradigm, concepts, links      
object-oriented paradigm, concepts, messages      
object-oriented paradigm, concepts, methods      
object-oriented paradigm, concepts, objects      
object-oriented paradigm, links      
object-oriented paradigm, localization      
object-oriented paradigm, objects      
object-oriented paradigm, operations      
object-oriented paradigm, principles      
object-oriented paradigm, principles, abstractions      
object-oriented paradigm, principles, encapsulation      
object-oriented paradigm, principles, generalization      
object-oriented paradigm, principles, polymorphism      
object-oriented paradigm, society of objects      
object-oriented paradigm, stimuli      
object-oriented paradigm, structural modeling, deployment diagrams      
object-oriented system      
object-scoped attributes      
object-scoped operations      
Objects      2nd
objects, anonymous      
objects, attributes      
objects, attributes, values      
objects, class roles and      
objects, classes and      
objects, collaboration diagrams      2nd
objects, lifecycle      
objects, link objects      
objects, object diagrams      
objects, OCL, link objects      
objects, sequence diagrams      2nd
objects, society of objects      2nd
objects, unspecified      
OCL (Object Constraint Language)      2nd
OCL, complex constraints      
OCL, expressions      
OCL, link objects      2nd
OCL, linked objects      
OCL, operators      
OCL, overview      
OCL, simple constraints      
OCL, web site      
OMG (Object Management Group)      
OMG, goals for UML      
OMG, UML recognition      
OMG, web site      
OMT (object modeling technique)      
OOSE (Object-Oriented Software Engineering)      
Operations      2nd 3rd
operations, classes      
operations, classes, syntax      
operations, constructors      
operations, destructors      
operations, instance scoped      
operations, object scoped      
operations, simple constraints      
operators, OCL      
output device role      
Packages      2nd
packages, business processing      
packages, data      
Packages, dependencies      
packages, generic      
packages, namespaces      
packages, pathnames      
packages, user interface      
packages, utility      
packages, Work Product      
packages, Work Units      
packages, workers      
paradigms, languages and      
paragraphs, structural modeling      
paragraphs, structural modeling, class diagrams      
paragraphs, structural modeling, component diagrams      
paragraphs, structural modeling, object diagrams      
paragraphs, structural modeling, use-case diagrams      
pathnames, packages      
Precise UML (pUML) Group web site      
primitive elements      
principles, object-oriented paradigm      
printer nodes      
process, architecture-centric      
process, iterative approach      
process, UML and      
process, waterfall approach      
profile keyword      
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