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Allen R., Lowe-Norris A.G. — Active Directory
Allen R., Lowe-Norris A.G. — Active Directory

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Название: Active Directory

Авторы: Allen R., Lowe-Norris A.G.


Windows 2000 Active Directory is a notably authoritative and engaging guide to the Microsoft Active Directory (AD) for any administrator or developer making the move to the new Windows and this powerful directory standard.
Articulate and technically astute, the author comes across as a trusted advisor, providing an expert's view of designing the layout of your company's Active Directory schema. In realistic terms, he shows you how AD can coexist with Unix directories. The book not only provides a collection of screen shots (though there are hands-on tutorials for specific tasks) but also a nicely in-depth tour of what Internet directories are and what advantages Active Directory offers. Case studies on sample domains and organization units (OUs) for sample companies, including a model global corporation, will help you cope with the design of even the most complex directories. Hints for limiting "domains" and favoring the more flexible "organizational units" (OUs) will also help you think in Windows 2000 terms.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Руководства по программному обеспечению/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2-nd

Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 752

Добавлена в каталог: 05.03.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
updates, initiating server (replication), determining if complete      
updates, initiating server (replication), processing      
updates, on GPOs, limiting      
updates, pages, placing on (ADC)
updates, replication partner
updates, replication partner, sending to initiating server
upgrading, BDCs to Windows 2000      
upgrading, domains
upgrading, domains, preparing for
upgrading, domains, Windows NT      
upgrading, single- and multimaster domains
upgrading, trust relationships, preserving      
URLs, Enterprise Number, obtaining      
user accounts
user accounts, LDAP
user accounts, many accounts      
user accounts, Windows NT      
user and group accounts      
user attribute example
user class      
User class, attribute settings      
User class, example      
User class, viewing with Schema Manager MMC
User Manager
user navigation ASP, enhancing
user portion (registry)      
User Profiles settings      2nd
usernames, empty or trailing dollar sign
userPrincipalName attribute      2nd
userPrincipalName attribute, setting
userPrincipalName attribute, unique user identifier, syntax for
Users and Computers tool (Active Directory)      
Users and Computers tool (Active Directory), GPOs, accessing
users, access rights, setting (Organizational Units)
users, adding to groups
users, ADUC tool, managing with
users, connections, authenticating with digital certificates      
users, creating on server
users, creation (initial) on server
users, currently logged on, counting
users, currently logged on, displaying
users, default User and All User profiles
users, deletion, replicating through
users, display specifiers for user class
users, DN and RDN examples
users, GPOs, refreshing for currently logged-on
users, identifying across forest      
users, mailboxes without, replicating      
users, moving between domains
users, Organizational Unit structure holding
users, passwords, changing during replication
users, permissions, full control to Organizational Unit      
users, policies on functionality in domains      
users, profiles, creating for
users, registry settings, changing (Windows NT 4.0)
users, security groups, checking during logon
users, user rights assignment policy
users, Windows settings
USN      2nd 3rd
USN, high-watermark vector table      
USN, last object sent during replication      
uSNChanged property
uSNChanged property, identifying updates to send to initiating server during replication
values, adding sets of (to properties)
variable prefix, naming conventions      
variables, ADO search using VB      
VB.NET      2nd
VB.NET, error handling
VBScript, ADSI constants and      
VBScript, Array function
VBScript, Dim statements
VBScript, errors, checking for      
VBScript, GetObject function      2nd
VBScript, GetObject method      
VBScript, HTML pages, wrapping inside (ASPs)      
VBScript, HTML, combining with
VBScript, limitations and solutions (ADSI enhancement)      
VBScript, migrating ADSI scripts to VB
VBScript, MsgBox function
VBScript, Nothing keyword
VBScript, Option Explicit statement
VBScript, Right function
VBScript, scripting object      
VBScript, Set statement
VBScript, UBound function
VBScript, UBound function (VBScript)
VBScript, VB vs.
verbose logging to event log      
viewers (raw), Active Directory      
viewers (raw), Active Directory, accessing GC contents
Visual Basic (VB)      
Visual Basic (VB), ADSI, enhancing with      
Visual Basic (VB), migrating ADSI scripts from VBScript
Visual Basic (VB), ModifyUserDetails program
Visual Basic (VB), VBScript vs.
VS.NET website      
WAN management tools
well-connected subnets website
well-known security principals
Win32 Scripting Journal      
Windows 2000      
Windows 2000 Resource Kit
Windows 2000 Resource Kit, ADSIEDIT tool
Windows 2000 Resource Kit, MOVETREE and SIDWALK utilities      
Windows 2000 Resource Kit, NTDSUTIL utility
Windows 2000 Resource Kit, sites and replication management tools      
Windows 2000, client placement vs. Windows NT      
Windows 2000, differences with Windows Server 2003      
Windows 2000, domain functional level feature list      
Windows 2000, domains
Windows 2000, Forest Root Domain
Windows 2000, mixed mode versus native mode      
Windows 2000, mixed-mode domains      
Windows 2000, network setup, DNS names, methods for choosing      
Windows 2000, registry, view on client
Windows 2000, replication      
Windows 2000, replication, changes in
Windows 2000, replication, new terminology
Windows 2000, resource domains (NT), replacing with Organizational Units
Windows 2000, servers, supporting older NT      
Windows 2000, system policies, applying to downlevel clients      
Windows 2000, versus Windows Server 2003      
Windows 9x, client naming issues in Windows 2000 network
Windows Explorer, customizing for user      
Windows File Protection setting
Windows Installer, configuration settings for users
Windows Integrated Authentication and AD/AM
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), API
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), architecture      
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), authenticating with      
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), CIM Object Manager (CIMOM)      
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), CIM Repository      
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), command-line tool (WMIC)
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), enumerating objects
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), event logs
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), filters      2nd
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), origins      
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), providers      
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), providers, Active Directory provider      
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), providers, DNS provider      
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), providers, EventLog provider      
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), providers, Registry provider      
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), providers, Replication provider      
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), providers, Trustmon provider      
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), providers, Win32 provider      
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), querying AD with      
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), querying services      
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), referencing objects      
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), Replication provider      
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), scripting with      
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), SDK      
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), searching with WMI Query Language (WQL)      
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), tools      
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), tools from a command line      
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), tools from the Web      
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), Trustmon provider      
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), Windows Server 2003 and      
Windows Media Player settings      
Windows Messenger settings      2nd
Windows NT      
Windows NT, backup utility      
Windows NT, client placement vs. Windows 2000      
Windows NT, complete trust model      
Windows NT, groups      
Windows NT, LAN Manager (NTLM) authentication      
Windows NT, migrating from      
Windows NT, namespaces      
Windows NT, namespaces, LDAP and      
Windows NT, namespaces, provider paths, specifying in script      
Windows NT, previous domain models      
Windows NT, Primary Domain Controller (PDC)      2nd
Windows NT, profiles      
Windows NT, replication, Windows 2000 vs.      
Windows NT, resource domains, replacing with Organizational Units      
Windows NT, system policies      2nd
Windows NT, system policies, managing computer, user, and group policies      
Windows NT, system policies, priority of (4SDOU process)      
Windows NT, upgrading domains      
Windows NT, user accounts      
Windows NT, User Manager      
Windows NT, versus Active Directory      
Windows operating systems, applying policies to different      
Windows Scripting Host (WSH)      2nd
Windows Scripting Host (WSH), 2.0 versus 5.6      
Windows Scripting Host (WSH), benefits of      
Windows Server 2003      
Windows Server 2003, conditional forwarding      
Windows Server 2003, configuring AD integrated zones      
Windows Server 2003, configuring client DNS settings      
Windows Server 2003, consolidating domains after upgrading      
Windows Server 2003, dependencies versus Windows 2000      
Windows Server 2003, differences with Windows 2000      
Windows Server 2003, differences with Windows 2000, account lockout enhancements      
Windows Server 2003, differences with Windows 2000, changes with Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access      
Windows Server 2003, differences with Windows 2000, Distributed Link Tracking (DLT) service stopped by default      
Windows Server 2003, differences with Windows 2000, faster global catalog removal      
Windows Server 2003, differences with Windows 2000, improved event log messages      
Windows Server 2003, differences with Windows 2000, intrasite replication frequency changed to 15 seconds      
Windows Server 2003, differences with Windows 2000, ISTG and KCC scalability improvements      
Windows Server 2003, differences with Windows 2000, Link value replication (LVR)      
Windows Server 2003, differences with Windows 2000, no global catalog sync for PAS addition      
Windows Server 2003, differences with Windows 2000, signed LDAP traffic      
Windows Server 2003, differences with Windows 2000, single instance store      
Windows Server 2003, DNS application partitions      
Windows Server 2003, domain functional level feature list      
Windows Server 2003, domain rename limitation removed      
Windows Server 2003, Exchange Server 2003      
Windows Server 2003, forest functional level feature list      
Windows Server 2003, functional levels      
Windows Server 2003, functional levels similar to Windows 2000      
Windows Server 2003, functional levels, domain conversion      
Windows Server 2003, Group Policy Management Console (GPMC) and      
Windows Server 2003, Inherited From field      
Windows Server 2003, Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) site limit increased      
Windows Server 2003, new features      
Windows Server 2003, new features, application partitions      2nd
Windows Server 2003, new features, concurrent LDAP binds      
Windows Server 2003, new features, cross-forest trust      
Windows Server 2003, new features, domain controller rename      
Windows Server 2003, new features, domain rename      
Windows Server 2003, new features, dynamic auxiliary classes      
Windows Server 2003, new features, dynamic objects      
Windows Server 2003, new features, GPO RSoP      
Windows Server 2003, new features, install from media      
Windows Server 2003, new features, last logon timestamp attribute      
Windows Server 2003, new features, MMC and CLI enhancements      
Windows Server 2003, new features, new DS CLI tools      
Windows Server 2003, new features, new GPO setting      
Windows Server 2003, new features, query-based groups      
Windows Server 2003, new features, quotas      
Windows Server 2003, new features, redirect users and computers      
Windows Server 2003, new features, Schema redefine      
Windows Server 2003, new features, TLS support      
Windows Server 2003, new features, Universal Group Caching      
Windows Server 2003, new features, WMI filtering of GPOs      
Windows Server 2003, new features, WMI providers for trust and replication monitoring      
Windows Server 2003, post-upgrade process      
Windows Server 2003, renaming domain, invasiveness of      
Windows Server 2003, single transitive trust between forests      
Windows Server 2003, universal group caching enabled      2nd
Windows Server 2003, upgrade process      
Windows Server 2003, upgrade process, account lockouts      
Windows Server 2003, upgrade process, compatibility test      
Windows Server 2003, upgrade process, Exchange 2000 and      
Windows Server 2003, upgrade process, inventory clients      
Windows Server 2003, upgrade process, inventory domain controllers      
Windows Server 2003, upgrade process, Microsoft recommendations      
Windows Server 2003, upgrade process, Microsoft Services For UNIX (SFU) 2.0 and      
Windows Server 2003, upgrade process, post-upgrade monitoring      
Windows Server 2003, upgrade process, prepare forests and domains      
Windows Server 2003, upgrade process, raising functional levels      
Windows Server 2003, upgrade process, run trial      
Windows Server 2003, upgrade process, tweaking security settings      
Windows Server 2003, upgrade process, upgrade domain controllers      
Windows Server 2003, upgrading to      2nd
Windows Server 2003, versus Windows 2000      
Windows Server 2003, WMI filtering and      
Windows, servers opening for site link replication      
Windows, settings      
Windows, settings, computer      
Windows, settings, user      
Windows, Time Service settings      
Windows, Update settings      2nd
WINS versus DNS      
Wireless Network settings      
wizards, object creation      
WMI      [See Windows Management Instrumentation]
workstations, adding to domain      
workstations, adding to sites      
workstations, logging on locally      
workstations, scripts, running at startup and shutdown      
workstations, user authentication at logon      
writes, originating vs. replicated      
WScript.Echo method      
X.500 standard      
X.500 standard, Active Directory, based upon      
X.500 standard, directory access protocol (DAP)      
Zones      [See also DNS Zones]
zones, defined      
zones, information, dictating in DNS      
zones, versus domains      
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