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McCarty B. — Learning Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Fedora
McCarty B. — Learning Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Fedora

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Название: Learning Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Fedora

Автор: McCarty B.


The GNU/Linux® success story is well known. Firmly established as a high-performance operating system, its worldwide installations are increasing at phenomenal rates. Much of this success has been on the server side, but more and more PC users are turning to Linux on the desktop, as well. For those grounded in Microsoft Windows® or Apple Macintosh® graphical interfaces, the first look at a powerful Unix-style operating system can be daunting. This book provides a clear, no-nonsense introduction to the popular Red Hat® distribution of Linux. It takes you through installation and shows you the key parts of the system, always with an eye toward what can go wrong and what you need to know to get over the humps. Linux is known as a secure environment and a good platform to run a web server. These topics are among the many covered in this book. But did you know you can also burn CDs, sync a PalmPilot™, and edit slideshow presentations with powerful tools on Linux? Those topics are covered here, too. Red Hat currently provides two distributions, both documented in this book. The first is their commercial, subscription-based product, called Red Hat Enterprise Linux and also available through retail channels as Red Hat Professional Workstation. The second is the freely distributed Fedora distribution. The Publisher's Edition of Fedora is included in this book on two disks. New in this edition are installation instructions for Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Fedora, package updating for Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Fedora, information on the GRUB bootloader, and the CUPS printer system.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 4-th

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 326

Добавлена в каталог: 05.03.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Network      2nd [See also Internet connection; Samba server]
network adapter      2nd 3rd
Network Administration Tool      
Network Administration tool, Devices tab      2nd 3rd
Network Administration tool, DNS tab      2nd
Network Administration tool, Hardware tab      
Network Administration tool, Hosts tab      2nd
Network Administration tool, IPsec tab
Network Configuration screen      
Network Configuration tool      [See Network Administration tool]
Network Connections, Control Panel      
Network Device Control, System Tools menu      
Network devices      2nd 3rd [See also specific devices]4th
network interface      
Network Servers package group      
network, configuring during installation      
network, configuring in KDE      
network, host configuration for      
network, security for      [See security]
Network, System Settings menu      [See Network Administration tool]
network, user account authentication, configuring      
newgroup command      
newgrp command      
news log      
news tickers, supported by KDE      
newsgroups, Samba      
NFS (Network File Sharing), services for      
nfs filesystem      
nfs service      
nfslock service      
NIS (Network Information Services)      
NIS, service for      
Nmap program      
nmbd program      
nongraphical mode      
not equal operator (!=)      
not operator (!)      
NOT operator (!), in filename globbing      
NOT operator (!), in test command      
nrft device      
nst device      
ntfs filesystem      2nd
null device      2nd
numbers, test command options for      
O (backquote)      
O command (GRUB editor)      2nd
O';Reilly & Associates Linux/Unix Center web site
O';Reilly & Associates, contact information for
Office/Productivity package group      
Online Help, installation screen      
OpenOffice.org application      2nd
OpenOffice.org application, Calc      
OpenOffice.org application, Draw      
OpenOffice.org application, Impress      
OpenOffice.org application, platforms supported by      
OpenOffice.org application, starting from GNOME      
OpenOffice.org application, starting from KDE      
OpenOffice.org application, version covered in this book      
OpenOffice.org application, Writer      
Operating System      2nd [See also Linux]
operating system, Linux compared to others      
options for commands      
OR operator      
output redirection      
owner, changing      2nd
owner, displaying      2nd
owner, permissions for      2nd
owner, setting      
Package Group Selection screen      
package groups      2nd
Package Installation Defaults screen      
Package Management tool      2nd [See also RPM]3rd
Packages      [See also RPM]2nd
packages, building      
packages, compatible with package management tool      2nd
packages, compatible with redhat-install-packages command      
packages, conflicting files in      
packages, dependencies between      
packages, displaying package owning a file      
packages, documentation files for      
packages, file extension for      
packages, flagged to be skipped      
Packages, installing      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
packages, naming of      
packages, overwriting      
packages, public FTP server for      
packages, querying      2nd
Packages, removing      
packages, required for Apache web server      
packages, selecting during installation      
packages, services associated with      
packages, uninstalling      2nd
packages, updating (upgrading)      2nd
packages, verifying      2nd
pager, for virtual desktop      
pager, in GNOME      
pager, starting from GNOME      
pager, starting from KDE      
Palm PDAs, synchronizing with Linux      [See Pilot/Handspring tool]
parallel port device      
parallel port printer boot arguments      
parent directory      2nd
Partition Commander (VCOM)      
PartitionMagic (PowerQuest)      
partitions, creating      
partitions, deleting      2nd
partitions, editing      
partitions, filesystem for      
partitions, mount points for      
partitions, mounting      2nd
partitions, native partition      
partitions, requirements for      
partitions, shrinking      
partitions, splitting      
partitions, swap partition      2nd
partitions, unmounting      
partitions, unused, identifying      2nd
partitions, viewing      
passwd command      
password, configuration for      
password, encrypting, in Samba      
password, expiration options for      
password, for boot loader      
password, for email account      
password, for root user      2nd 3rd
password, for Samba users      2nd
password, for user account      2nd 3rd 4th
password, security of      2nd
PATH variable (search path)      2nd
PC Hardware in a Nutshell\: A Desktop Quick Reference (Thompson; Thompson)      
PCMCIA hardware, service for      
PCs, books about      
PDAs, synchronizing with Linux      [See Pilot/Handspring tool]
PDF documents, creating      
Performance Tuning tab, Apache Configuration tool      
performance, Apache web server      
performance, Linux      
periscope shell script example      
permissions, changing      
permissions, default, specifying      
permissions, displaying for files in directory      
permissions, listing      
permissions, setting      
Personal Desktop installation type      
personal scheduler      [See Evolution]
physical structure of hard drive      
Pilot/Handspring tool      
Ping command      2nd 3rd
pipe redirector (|)      2nd 3rd 4th
platters of hard drive      
POP (Post Office Protocol)      
pop-up menus, for terminal window      
Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) standard      
portmap service      
POSIX (Portable Operating System Inferface) standard      
postfix service      
PostScript files, viewing and printing      
power management, configuring in KDE      
PowerQuest, PartitionMagic      
pppd program      
PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet)      
pr command      
Practical Unix & Internet Security, 3rd. ed. (Garfinkel; Spafford; Schwartz)
Preferences icon      
Preferences icon, GNOME      
Preferences icon, KDE      
presentation manager      [See Impress OpenOffice.org]
print manager      2nd 3rd 4th
Print Manager, System Tools menu      2nd
print queue      
print queue, alert icon for      
print queue, canceling jobs in      2nd 3rd
print queue, displaying      2nd 3rd
print queue, naming      
Printer Configuration tool      
printer device      
printers, local, configuring      
printers, parallel port for      
printers, parallel, boot arguments for      
printers, remote, configuring      
printers, sharing with Samba      2nd 3rd
printers, testing      
printers, USB port for      
printing files      
Printing Notification Icon, System Tools menu      
Printing Support package group      
Printing, System Settings menu      [See Printer Configuration tool]
Privacy      [See security]
private group      
Processes      [See also background processes]
processes, displaying      2nd 3rd 4th
Processes, killing      2nd
processes, terminating      
processors, requirements for      
profile script      
Programs, running      2nd [See also applications; commands]
Project Athena      
prompt symbols      2nd
pronunciation of Linux      
ps command      2nd
psaux device      
public GPG key      
publishing packages      
put command (SMB)      
PuTTY, SSH client (Tatham)      
pwd command      2nd
question mark (?)      
quote characters      
r (read) permission      2nd
radiobuttons, installation screen      
RAM disk boot arguments      
RAM, information required for      
RAM, requirements for      
read permission      [See r permission]
read/write head for hard drive      
reboot command      
red ball on desktop      [See Red Hat Network Alert Notification Tool]
Red Hat Alert Icon, System Tools menu      
Red Hat Enterprise Linux      2nd [See also Linux]
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS      
Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES      
Red Hat Enterprise Linux General Advisories      
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Installation Guide      
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Reference Guide      
Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS      
Red Hat Enterprise Linux, activating after purchase      
Red Hat Enterprise Linux, hardware compatibility database      
Red Hat Enterprise Linux, keeping up to date      
Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Red Hat Network configuration      
Red Hat Enterprise Linux, release cycle for      
Red Hat Enterprise Linux, system profile for      
Red Hat Enterprise Linux, versions covered by this book      2nd
Red Hat Enterprise Linux, video configuration      
Red Hat Enterprise Linux, web site for      2nd
Red Hat Global Support Services      
red hat icon      2nd 3rd
Red Hat Linux      [See also Red Hat Enterprise Linux; Fedora Core; Linux]
Red Hat Linux 6.X as an Internet Gateway for a Home Network (Ramey)      
Red Hat Linux 9 Reference Guide
Red Hat Linux Firewalls (McCarty)      
Red Hat Linux Product Activation Page      
Red Hat Linux, bugs in, Bugzilla database of      
Red Hat Linux, distributions of      2nd 3rd
Red Hat Linux, mailing list for      
Red Hat Linux, web site for      
Red Hat Network      2nd
Red Hat Network Alert Notification Tool      2nd 3rd 4th
Red Hat Network, System Tools menu      [See Update Agent]
Red Hat Package Manager      [See RPM]
Red Hat Professional Workstation      
Red HatNetwork Alert Notification Tool      
redhat-config-httpd package      
redhat-install-packages command      
redhat-java-rpm-scripts package      
redirection of input and output      
regional options, configuring in KDE      
reiserfs filesystem      
Relative pathname      
reliability of Linux      
remote access, disabling      
reset command      
Resources      [See also books]
resources, for booting Linux      
resources, for cable or DSL modems      
resources, for GNOME      
resources, for GRUB      
resources, for installing Linux      
resources, for LILO      
reverse lookup      
Right Arrow key      
Ritchie, Dennis      
rm command      2nd 3rd
rmdir command      2nd
rmmod command      
root command (GRUB)      
Root directory (/)      2nd 3rd 4th
Root Password tool      
Root Password, System Settings menu      
root user      
root user, changing current userid to      
root user, home directory for      
root user, password for      2nd 3rd
root user, remote logins by, disabling      
root user, security and      2nd
rootnoverify command (GRUB)      
route command      2nd
router host address, providing during installation      
routers, cable/DSL gateway router      
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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