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Gralla P. — Windows XP Hacks
Gralla P. — Windows XP Hacks

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Название: Windows XP Hacks

Автор: Gralla P.


Windows XP is the latest, most reliable, and best-looking version of the Windows operating system to emerge yet. As the result of the unification of Microsoft's corporate series (Windows NT and 200) with the home series (Windows 95, 98, and Me), Windows XP offers much that is pleasing to its users: rock-solid stability and a fresh new look. But power users who want to take command of their operating systems will find the same old frustrations: it's never been easy to get under the hood of a Windows system and Windows XP is no exception.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 412

Добавлена в каталог: 05.03.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Netscape Navigator, cookie-based ad networks, opting out of      
Netscape Navigator, cookies, handling of      
netsh tool      
netsh tool, netsh diag commands, listing of      
netsh tool, using directly from command line for from netsh console      
NetShell utility, resetting TCP/IP to original configuration      
netstat command      
netstat command, open network connections, getting information on      
network adapter's MAC address      
network adapter's MAC address, cloning for residential gateway      
Network Address Translation (NAT)      
Network Address Translation (NAT), automatic mapping of hostname to dynamic IP address, problems with      
Network Address Translation (NAT), VPN connections and      
network and multiuser policies and rights      
Network Connections folder, closing down ports manually      
Network Setup Wizard, correcting TCP/IP configuration      
Network Stumbler program      
Network Stumbler program, detecting nearby wireless networks      
Network Stumbler program, detecting nearby wireless networks, networks not part of FreeNets      
Network Stumbler program, wireless network cards it works with      
networking, closing down ports and blocking protocols      
networking, connections, management by HKEY_CURRENT_USER (Registry hive)      
networking, controlling another PC with remote access      
networking, controlling another PC with remote access, configuring XP remote server      
networking, controlling another PC with remote access, firewalls, remote access connections and      
networking, controlling another PC with remote access, setting up remote client      
networking, direct cable connections, using      
networking, direct cable connections, using, cables and connectors      
networking, direct cable connections, using, Ethernet cable      
networking, direct cable connections, using, serial or parallel cable      
networking, DNS settings, customizing for faster Internet access      
networking, DNS settings, customizing for faster Internet access, cache settings      
networking, DNS settings, customizing for faster Internet access, fixing DNS problems      
networking, DNS settings, customizing for faster Internet access, HOSTS file      
networking, extending range of wireless network      
networking, extending range of wireless network, antennas (access point or PCs), avoiding placement near large metal objects      
networking, extending range of wireless network, avoid putting access point next to outside wall      
networking, extending range of wireless network, avoid putting access point or PCs near microwavs or cordless phones      
networking, extending range of wireless network, centrally locate access point      
networking, extending range of wireless network, external and booster antennas, use of      
networking, extending range of wireless network, vertical orientation of access point antennas      
networking, extending range of wireless network, wireless PC antennas, pointing toward access point
networking, firewalls      
networking, firewalls, Internet Connection Firewall (ICF)      
networking, firewalls, unsolicited inbound traffic, allowing through      
networking, firewalls, ZoneAlarm      
networking, making server always available by mapping hostname to dynamic IP address      
networking, peer-to-peer, improving with NetBEUI      
networking, proxy servers, protecting your PC with      
networking, proxy servers, protecting your PC with, configuring IE to use proxies      
networking, proxy servers, protecting your PC with, finding free, public proxies      
networking, proxy servers, protecting your PC with, limiting connections to certain web sites      
networking, renewing DHCP-assigned IP address      
networking, repairing broken TCP/IP connection      
networking, residential gateways, optimizing      
networking, residential gateways, optimizing, cloning MAC address      
networking, residential gateways, optimizing, hub/router settings for DSL access      
networking, residential gateways, optimizing, VPN, settings for using      
networking, security, testing with Shields Up      
networking, speeding up network browsing      
networking, troubleshooting network connections      
networking, troubleshooting network connections, ipconfig utility, analyzing TCP/IP problems      
networking, troubleshooting network connections, netsh tool      
networking, troubleshooting network connections, netstat, getting information on open connections      
networking, troubleshooting network connections, pathping command, using      
networking, troubleshooting network connections, ping, diagnosing TCP/IP problems      
networking, troubleshooting network connections, tracing network and internat data path with tracert      
networking, VPN, setting up      
networking, Windows Media Player, privacy problems with      
networking, wireless networks      
networking, wireless networks, checking WiFi performance with QCheck      
networking, wireless networks, war driving for WiFi access      
New Connection Wizard      
New document menu, cleaning up      
New ESP Share Group Wizard (Eudora)      
NoHTML plugin (for Outlook)      
noise filter for Indexing Service searches, editing
non-plug-and-play devices, forcing display by Device Manager      
nonpresent or ghosted devices      
nonpresent or ghosted devices, forcing display with Device Manager      
NOT operators (unary and binary)      
Notepad, creting batch file      
Notification area      
Notification Area, hiding all icons in      
Notification Area, network icon      
Notification Area, wireless network connections, information about      
NTBackup, inability to back up directly to CDs      
NTBackup, installed on XP Home, ASR and      
NTBackup, restoring a backup      
NTFS (NT File System)
NTFS (NT File System) compression      
NTFS (NT File System) compression, converting previous filesystems to      
NTFS (NT File System) compression, disk space saved by      
NTFS (NT File System) compression, folder compression, effects on files      
NTFS (NT File System) compression, improving NTFS performance      
NTFS (NT File System) compression, ZIP files vs.      
NTFS , naming convention (8.3), disabling      
NTI Deluxe Backup Plus! Now      
ntoskrnl.exe file      
NTSC (National Television Standards Committee)      
null Ethernet cables      2nd
null Ethernet cables, cheap networking with      
null Ethernet cables, cheap networking with, TCP/IP settings for      
null serial cables      2nd
Num Lock, automatically turning on at startup      
numbers, in Indexing Service queries      
numbers, representing DWORD data type in Registry values      
Object Desktop package      
Office, clipboard, ClipCache vs.      
Office, opening and creating Microsoft documents without      
Office, screen captures, pasting into Microsoft Photo Editor      
Offline Files      
offline files, synchronizing to/from LAN and your laptop      
offline files, synchronizing to/from LAN and your laptop, on-demand and scheduled synchronization      2nd
offline reading of web pages      
offline reading of web pages, Offline Favorite Wizard, saving pages with links      
offline reading of web pages, with Internet Explorer      
Open Command Window Here PowerToy      
Open dialog box, adding folders to
Open With dialog box
Open With option (Windows Explorer files)      
Opera browser, killing pop ups      
Operating systems      
operating systems, boot.ini file, editing in
operating systems, multiboot startup options      
operating systems, Registry information about (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)      
operating systems, single, customizing startup menu      
operators in Indexing Service queries      
operators in Indexing Service queries, Boolean operators      
operators in Indexing Service queries, EQUALS and CONTAINS operators      
operators in Indexing Service queries, relational operators      
opting out of online advertising networks      
Orinoco card (wireless networking)      
outbound traffic from your PC, monitoring/blocking with ZoneAlarm      
Outlook Express      
Outlook Express, Annotis Mail add-in software      
Outlook Express, backing up data files      
Outlook Express, backing up data files, manually      
Outlook Express, backing up data files, Outlook Express Backup software, using      
Outlook Express, forcing to open blocked file attachments      
Outlook Express, HTML display, turning off in email      
Outlook Express, mail header information, viewing      
Outlook Express, spam, handling in      
Outlook, Annotis Mail add-in software      
Outlook, backing up and restoring data files      
Outlook, backing up and restoring data files, files and extensions, listed      
Outlook, backing up data files      
Outlook, backing up data files, manual backups      
Outlook, backing up data files, Outlook 2000/XP Backup software, using
Outlook, deleting icon from desktop      
Outlook, hiding desktop icon      
Outlook, Hotmail Popper, configuring to work with      
Outlook, mail header information, viewing      
Outlook, Nelson's Email Organizer program      
Outlook, Outlook.pst file      
Outlook, spam handling      
Outlook, spam handling, normal filters, using      
Outlook, spam handling, spam senders filters, using      
Outlook, spam handling, SpamNet (add-in) spam killer      
Outlook, turning off HTML display in emails      
Outlook, XP, printing directory listings      
Outlook, YahooPOPs!, configuring to work with      
PageRank feature (Google Toolbar)      
PageRank feature (Google Toolbar), disabling for privacy      
Paging Executive, disabling for performance      
paging file      
paging file, clearing at shutdown, disabling      
paging file, defragmenting      
paging file, memory use reporting in Task Manager      
Paint program, pasting screen captures to      
parallel data cables      2nd
pasting screen captures to graphics program      
pathping command      
Peer-to-Peer computing      
peer-to-peer computing, fighting spam      
peer-to-peer computing, fighting spam, add-in spam killer for Outlook (SpamNet)
peer-to-peer computing, file sharing in Eudora      
peer-to-peer computing, networking, improving with NetBEUI      
Pegasus, message-viewing capabilities
Per Site Privacy Actions dialog box
PerfectDisk2000 defragmenter      
performance alerts      
Performance Tune-Up Wizard      
performance, file compression and      
performance, file compression and, system and .log files      
performance, hard disk defragging for PC, improving      
performance, improving for NTFS (NT File System)      
performance, loading resources for uninstalled programs      
Performance, system      
performance, system, checking and tweaking      
performance, system, getting the most out of RAM      
performance, system, Registry hacks to speed up XP      
performance, system, repair and recovery with Recovery Console      
performance, system, tracking with Performance Console      
performance, system, Windows XP visual effects and      
performance, web site, improving with caching      
performance, wireless networks      
performance, wireless networks, checking with QCheck
permanent redirection for web resources      
personal information, protecting      [See privacy]
phones (cordless), interference with wireless equipment
Photo Editor (Microsoft)
phrase search (Indexing Service)      
Physical Memory available, Commit Charge higher than      
pigtail connectors      
Ping      [See also pathping command]
ping, allowing to bypass ICF firewall      
ping, diagnosing and fixing DNS problems      
ping, troubleshooting TCP/IP problems      
ping, useful switches      
Pinned Programs List      
Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)      
Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP), use by VPNs      
policies (network and multiuser), setting      
policy statement for cookie use on a site      
pop ups      
pop ups, Messenger service, stopping      
pop ups, Messenger service, stopping, disabling port 135 on router      
pop ups, stopping on Internet Explorer      
popping sounds in music CDs      [See multimedia]
port addresses for common Internet services      2nd
port forwarding      
port forwarding on      
port forwarding, home networks using NAT, to enable VPN connections      
port forwarding, residential gateways using NAT      
ports, closing down manually      
ports, closing down to block protocols      
ports, use by Trojans      
positive and negative entries (resolve cache)      
power-saving state, allowing laptops to enter      
PowerDesk utility      
PowerDesk utility, archive management with      
PowerDesk utility, Compare Folders feature      
PowerDesk utility, Destroy File feature      
PowerDesk utility, different Windows versions, using with      
PowerDesk utility, Encrypt/Decrypt feature      
PowerDesk utility, File Finder feature      
PowerDesk utility, finding and renaming files      
PowerDesk utility, FTP client      
PowerDesk utility, moving and copying files      
PowerDesk utility, toolbars, customizing      
PowerPoint, launching with command-line switches      
PowerToys, Open Command Window Here      
PowerToys, TweakMP      
PowerToys, TweakUI utility      
PowerToys, Virtual Desktop Manager (VDM)      
PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet)      
prefetch parameters, tweaking for performance      
printer sharing (TCP/IP), disabling      
privacy, anonymous proxy servers for Web surfing      
privacy, cookies, protecting against      
privacy, cookies, protecting against, customizing IE cookie handling      
privacy, cookies, protecting against, IE privacy settings      
privacy, cookies, protecting against, policy statements for cookie use      
privacy, Google PageRank feature and      
privacy, implicit vs. explicit consent for use of personal information      
privacy, personal information left behind in Web surfing      
privacy, Windows Media Player, fixing problems with      
privacy, Windows Media Player, problems with      
privacy, Windows Media Player, problems with, privacy preferences at installation      
ProgramFilesDir value (Registry), changing      
Programs      [See also applications]
programs setting (IE), changing      
programs, closing automatically at shutdown      
programs, connections to Internet, controlling with ZoneAlert      
programs, location for installing, changing default      
programs, Most Frequently Used List      
programs, Most Frequently Used List, banning programs with Registry      
programs, Open With option for Explorer files      
programs, running at startup      
programs, running at startup, disabling with Registry      
programs, running at startup, disabling with System Configuration      
programs, running at startup, eliminating      
programs, timeouts, changing with Registry hack      
progressive graphics      
properties for searching (Indexing Service)      
Protocols      [See also listings uder individual protocol names]
protocols, blocking by closing ports for      
Proxy servers      
proxy servers, anonymous web surfing with      
proxy servers, protecting your PC with      
proxy servers, protecting your PC with, configuring IE to use proxies      
proxy servers, protecting your PC with, configuring Internet Explorer to use      
proxy servers, protecting your PC with, finding free, public proxies      2nd
proxy servers, protecting your PC with, limiting connections to certain web sites      
Qcheck program      
QCheck program, checking WiFi network performance      
RAM, making the most of      
RAM, making the most of, better use of memory with Task Manager      
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