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Liberty J. — Visual C# 2005: A Developer's Notebook
Liberty J. — Visual C# 2005: A Developer's Notebook

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Название: Visual C# 2005: A Developer's Notebook

Автор: Liberty J.


Microsoft's C# language has attracted millions to .NET. Now, to make development on this platform quicker and easier, C# 2.0 offers some key changes as part of Visual Studio 2005. Our unique "all lab, no lecture" guide offers 50 hands-on projects to explore each new feature. Learn what C# 2.0 can do for you now.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 239

Добавлена в каталог: 04.03.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
.NET 2.0      
.NET 2.0, MaskedTextBox control      [See MaskedTextBox control]
.NET 2.0, SqlDataAdapter and batch updates      
.NET 2.0, SqlDataAdapter and batch updates, UpdateBatchSize property      
.NET 2.0, support for safe asynchronous tasks
.NET 2.0, SystemSounds class      [See SystemSounds class]
.NET 2.0, ToolStrip control      [See tool strips]
.NET 2.0, WebBrowser control      [See WebBrowser control]
.NET 2.0, XPathDocument class      [See XPathDocument class]
.wav files
:: (double-colon) operator      
<New data source\\> command
<profile\\> section of Web.config
Access modifiers
access modifiers, learning more about
access modifiers, restrictions
accessibility, limiting access within properties
Add Profile Info hyperlink      
AddUsers_OnClick event handler
anonymous methods
anonymous methods, learning more about
anonymous personalization
anonymous personalization, Default.aspx
anonymous personalization, global.asax file
anonymous personalization, IsAnonymous property
anonymous personalization, migrating anonymous data to user's data
AnonymousTemplate view
applications, configuring in Visual Studio 2005      
applications, configuring in Visual Studio 2005, learning more about      
applications, web      [See web applications]
applications, Windows      [See Windows applications]
ASP.NET Configuration command      2nd
ASP.NET Configuration Settings dialog box
ASP.NET Configuration Wizard      
ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool (WAT)
ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool (WAT), personlizing with complex types
ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool (WAT), setting up roles      
ASP.NET, accounts, adding roles
ASP.NET, accounts, adding roles, ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool
ASP.NET, accounts, adding roles, CreateUserWizard control      
ASP.NET, accounts, adding roles, HyperLink controls
ASP.NET, accounts, adding roles, learning more about
ASP.NET, accounts, adding roles, ManageRoles.aspx      
ASP.NET, accounts, adding roles, restricting access based on roles
ASP.NET, forms-based security      [See forms-based security]
ASP.NET, managing web applications
ASP.NET, new features      
ASP.NET, personalization      [See personalized web sites]
asp:contentPlaceHolder control
AspNetSqlMembershipProvider class
aspnet_Profile table      
aspnet_Users table
asynchronous tasks, safe
asynchronous tasks, safe, BackgroundWorker object      [See BackgroundWorker object]
auto-complete text boxes      
auto-completion, learning more about
AutoCompleteCustomSource collection
AutoCompleteMode, Append
AutoCompleteMode, Suggest
AutoCompleteMode, SuggestAppend
AutoCompleteSource property      
AutoCompleteSource, AllSystemSources
AutoCompleteSource, AllURL
AutoCompleteSource, CustomSources      
AutoCompleteSource, FileSystem      
AutoCompleteSource, HistoryList
AutoCompleteSource, ListItems
AutoCompleteSource, RecentlyUsedList      
BackgroundWorker object      
BackgroundWorker object, Cancellation event      
BackgroundWorker object, DoWork event      
BackgroundWorker object, learning more about      
BackgroundWorker object, Progress event
BackgroundWorker object, RunWorkerAsync method
batch updates
batch updates, learning more about      
binding data      [See data binding]
binding navigators      
BindingSource component
Boolean operators, nullable
Brown, Keith      
Browser      [See WebBrowser control]
browser events
browser events, DocumentCompleted      
browser events, Navigated      
browser events, Navigating      
browser events, ProgressChanged
C# 2.0, new features
C# 2.0, new features, anonymous methods      [See anonymous methods]
C# 2.0, new features, contravariance
C# 2.0, new features, covariance      
C# 2.0, new features, generics      [See generics]
C# 2.0, new features, iterators      [See iterators]
C# 2.0, new features, nullable types      [See nullable types]
C# 2.0, new features, partial types      [See partial types]
C# 2.0, new features, static classes      [See static classes]
C# Corner      
Calendar control      
CanOverflow property      
ChangePassword control      
CHOSENBOOKS property      
classes, LinkedList      [See LinkedList class]
classes, List      [See List class]
classes, splitting across files      [See partial keyword]
classes, static      [See static classes]
ClickOnce, learning more about
ClickOnce, updating ClickOnce on server
code editor, learning more about      
code snippets
code snippets, Choose Surround WithE
code snippets, GODotnet.com      
code snippets, learning more about      
code snippets, Surround With menu
CodeGuru web site
ComboBox control      
ComboBox control, auto-complete      [See auto-complete text boxes]
complex profile property
Configure Data Source dialog      
ContextMenuStrip control      
contravariance, learning more about
Copy Website command
covariance, learning more about
Create Role button's onClick event handler      
CreateUserWizard control      2nd
currentsettings.vssetting file
currentsettings.vssetting file, exporting
currentsettings.vssetting file, location
customization theme
customization theme, setting programmatically
data binding
data binding, DataSourceControl      
data binding, GridView control      
data binding, learning more about
data binding, overloaded constructors
data binding, Parameter object      
data binding, SqlDataSource control      
data binding, XML documents      [See XmlDataSource control]
Data Source Configuration Wizard      2nd
data, accessing, learning more about
data, displaying related data on Windows forms      
data, interacting without ADO.NET      [See data-bound controls]
data, master detail records
data-bound controls
data-bound controls, alternative to using provided controls      
data-bound controls, binding navigators      
data-bound controls, BindingSource component
data-bound controls, learning more about
data-bound controls, NorthwindDataSet control
data-bound controls, OrdersBindingNavigator control
data-bound controls, OrdersBindingSource control
data-bound controls, OrdersTableAdapter control
data-bound controls, table adapters
database connection, setting up
database connection, setting up, <New data sourceE\\> command      
database connection, setting up, Add Connection step      
database connection, setting up, Configure Data Source dialog      
database connection, setting up, Data Source Configuration Wizard      2nd
database connection, setting up, New ConnectionE button
database connection, setting up, Test Connection
database statistics, retrieving
debuggers, learning more about
Debugging Not Enabled dialog box
debugging, diagnosing exceptions
debugging, examining objects while
default skins
Default.aspx, adding and binding listbox to collection in profile
Default.aspx, adding ChangePassword control
Default.aspx, adding controls to demonstrate skins
Default.aspx, adding LoginStatus control
Default.aspx, finding directory holding
Default.aspx, making sure is start page
Default.aspx, modifying for anonymous personalization
Default.aspx, modifying for anonymous profile
Default.aspx, removing role groups section
delegate contravariance
delegate covariance
delegates and generics
double-colon (::) operator
DoWorkEventArgs object      
enumerate using generic iterators
environment settings, controlling
Esposito, Dino
Evjen, Bill
exceptions, diagnosing      
exceptions, handling, learning more about
explicitly named skins
FieldValidator controls
File System Web Site
Find method      
FlowLayoutPanel control      2nd
FlowLayoutPanel control, FlowDirection property
FlowLayoutPanel control, learning more about
forms, data-driven
forms, data-driven, accessing controls on a form
forms, data-driven, FlowLayoutPanel control      [See FlowLayoutPanel control]
forms, data-driven, TableLayoutPanel control      [See TableLayoutPanel control]
forms-based security
forms-based security, adding login controls
forms-based security, alternative to using IIS
forms-based security, AspNetSqlMembershipProvider class
forms-based security, aspnet_regsql.exe
forms-based security, CreateUserWizard control
forms-based security, creating folder and virtual directory
forms-based security, creating Login page      
forms-based security, creating new web site in Visual Studio 2005
forms-based security, creating Welcome page
forms-based security, FieldValidator controls
forms-based security, learning more about
forms-based security, Login control
forms-based security, LoginName control
forms-based security, LoginStatus control
forms-based security, LoginView control
forms-based security, PasswordRecovery control
forms-based security, verifying user database is updated      
forms-based security, Web.config file      
Fowler, Martin      
FTP Web Site      
FTP, publishing application via      
Generic classes      
generic classes, learning more about      
Generic namespace
Generic namespace, learning more about
generics, creating your own generic collection
generics, creating your own generic collection, learning more about      
generics, enumerate using generic iterators      
generics, generic collection, defined      
generics, generic collections, using to create type-safe lists      
generics, generic interfaces, implementing      
generics, generic iterators, learning more about      
generics, using with various code structures      
generics,GetEnumerator, implementing with complex data structures
Global namespace
global namespace, accessing objects in      
global namespace, qualifier
global namespace, qualifier, learning more about      
global namespace, using System objects in      
Global.asax file      
GridView control      
GUID (Globally Unique IDentifier)
Gunnerson, Eric      
Henderson, Ken      
Homer, Alex      
Howard, Rob
HyperLink controls      
ICollection interface      
IComparable interface      
IEnumerable interface, learning more about      
IEnumerator interface      
IEnumerator interface, implementing GetEnumerator with complex data structures      
IIS Administrator      
IIS Administrator, ASP.NET tab      
IIS Administrator, Authentication tab      
IIS Administrator, Forms Authentication      
IIS Manager, opening      
IIS, alternative to using for forms-based security      
IIS, developing web applications without      
Import/Export Settings command      
interfaces and generics      
iterators, adding to LinkedList class      
iterators, enumerating using generic      
Kerievsky, Joshua      
Linked lists      
linked lists, sorted      
LinkedList class      
LinkedList class, adding iterators to      
List class      
Local IIS Web Site      
Login control      
LoginName control      
LoginStatus control      
LoginView control      
Lowy, Juval      2nd
MacNeil, Robert      
mask values      
masked editing control      2nd
MaskedTextBox class      
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