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Bacon J., Petreley N. — Linux Desktop Hacks |
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grub, MBR and 2nd
GRUB, setup
GtkPod tool, iPod and
hard drive, HDPARM and
hard-drive performance
HFS-to-FAT32 conversion
hotkeys, LinEAK and
icons, Kiosk mode (KDE)
ifplugd utility
ImageMagick, CursorXP and
images, cloning and
images, file conversion
images, splash screens
installation disk, booting and
installation, ACPI
installation, Enigmail
installation, kernel
installation, kernel, 2.6 upgrade
installation, NVIDIA driver
installation, NX client
installation, NXServer
installation, Qingy 2nd
installation, USB devices
Internet connections, Bluetooth and
Internet keys
Internet keys, LinEAK and
Internet keys, text mode and
Internet phone
Internet phone, GnomeMeeting
Internet phone, PC-to-phone calls
Internet phone, Skype
iPod, desktop setup and
iPod, drivers
iPod, grip package
iPod, GtkPod and
iPod, HFS+ filesystem and
iPod, Orange Micro PCMCIA card
iPod, synchronization
iPod, xid3
iRiver, synchronization and
isochronous scheduling
jail group/user
Java, Firefox and
Jpilot, events
KDE desktop
KDE desktop, interactivity
KDE desktop, karamba and
KDE desktop, Konqueror
KDE desktop, Konqueror, passwords for remote access
KDE desktop, Konqueror, remote access and
KDE desktop, panels
KDE desktop, superkaramba and
KDE desktop, superkaramba project
KDE wallet system
KDE, automation and
KDE, Autostart directory
KDE, compiling code
KDE, development code
KDE, experimental code
KDE, KDM, multiple screens
KDE, Kiosk mode
KDE, log in management
KDE, menus
KDE, menus, right-click actions
KDE, menus, submenus
KDE, menus, symbols for actions
KDE, program startup
KDE, scripts
KDE, scripts, actions
KDE, user limits
KDE, windows, 3D effects
KDE-Look Web site, cursor themes
KDM, multiple screens
kernel, 2.6 upgrade
kernel, 2.6 upgrade, compiling
kernel, 2.6 upgrade, new features
kernel, Big Kernel Lock
kernel, booting and, corrupt
kernel, CKO
Kernel, compiling 2nd
kernel, configuration 2nd
kernel, configuration, make menuconfig command
kernel, device support
kernel, installation
kernel, installation, 2.6 kernel upgrade
kernel, introduction
kernel, tuning
key servers, encryption and
keyboard, console and, redefine
keyboard, custom keys
keyboard, hot keys, LinEAK and
keyboard, Internet keys
keyboard, multimedia keys
keyboard, special, redefining
keyboard, virtual console and
keycode files
keypairs, GPG encryption
kfmclient, file management and
Kiosk mode (KDE)
Kiosk mode (KDE), menus
KMail, alerts and
KMail, events and
Konqueror, audio CDs and
Konqueror, FISH and
Konqueror, FTP and
Konqueror, Kiosk mode
Konqueror, LAN connections and
Konqueror, remote access and
Konqueror, remote access and, one-click operation
Konqueror, remote access and, passwords and
Konqueror, remote access and, usernames
Konqueror, SFTP and
kstart, application options
LANs, Konqueror and
LILO (LInux LOader) 2nd
LILO, boot screen setup
LILO, configuration
lilo, MBR and
LILO, setup
LILO, splash screen
LILO, splash screen, color
LILO, splash screen, custom
LinEAK, hot keys and
link monitoring, Wavemon 2nd
Linux cloning
log file keywords, Swatch and
log-in managers
log-in managers, fast user switching
log-in managers, multiple screens
log-in managers, multiple screens, command-line
log-in managers, multiple screens, GDM
log-in managers, multiple screens, KDM
login passwords, none
login screen, Qingy
logsentry, alerts and
Mac OS X, access from Linux
| Macintosh
Macintosh, data fork resource files
Macintosh, fonts 2nd
Macintosh, VNC server configuration
Macromedia Flash plug-in
maildir email storage
maildir, convert from mbox
maildir, convert to mbox
maildir, mailbox storage format
make menuconfig command, kernel configuration
mapping software, GPS and
mbox email storage
mbox, convert from maildir
mbox, convert to maildir
MBR (Master Boot Record)
MBR, backup
MBR, backups
MBR, install-mbr tool
MBR, killing 2nd
MBR, recovery
MBR, restores
menus, actions, symbols
menus, KDE Kiosk mode
menus, Nautilus, scripts option
menus, right-click actions
menus, right-click actions, GNOME
menus, right-click actions, KDE
Microsoft VPN server
Microsoft Word documents, terminals
mirroring, screen tool and
monitor mode, network card, wireless networks and
monitor sharing, screen tool
monitor, configuration
monitor, information
monitor, refresh rate
monitor, refresh rate, configuration
monitor, resolution configuration
Motion capture
motion capture camera
motion capture, scrot tool
motion tool, video
mounting disks, booting and
mouse, cursors
mouse, cursors, NVIDIA driver and
mouse, cursors, RedDot directories
mouse, cursors, themes
mouse, custom cursors
Mozilla, Wordview
MTA (Mail Transfer Agent), procmail configuration
multimedia keys on keyboard
multimedia keys on keyboard, LinEAK and
multiple log-in screens
multiple log-in screens, command-line
multiple log-in screens, GDM
multiple log-in screens, KDM
Mutt, email text mode client
Mutt, PDF documents
Mutt, Word documents
Nautilus, file types
Nautilus, menu, scripts option
Nautilus, right-click actions
Nautilus, scripts, environment variables
networks, backups
networks, backups, rsync
networks, backups, single-shot
networks, ifplugd utility
networks, remote access
Networks, wireless
networks, wireless, Kismet and
networks, wireless, scan for
NTP (Network Time Protocol)
NTP, clock synchronization
NTP, clocks and
NVIDIA driver
NVIDIA driver, installation
NVIDIA driver, mouse cursors and
NX Client installation
NX server
NX server, commands
NX server, setup
NXServer installation
oooqs utility (KDE), OpenOffice.org and
OpenOffice.org, oooqs utility
OpenOffice.org, preloading items
OpenOffice.org, quickstarts
OpenOffice.org, respawn trick
Operating systems
operating systems, booting
operating systems, non-Linux, booting and
Orange Micro PCMCIA card, iPod and
pagers, colored files
Partition Table
partitions, cloning Linux and
passwords, KDE wallet system
passwords, Konqueror remote access
passwords, none
passwords, public key
patches in experimental code
PDF documents
PDF documents, Mutt
PDF documents, terminal display
performance, hard-drive
performance, prelinking and
personal default cursor themes
PGP (Pretty Good Privacy)
PIM (personal information manager)
plug-ins, Java in Firefox
plug-ins, Macromedia Flash
pointers, custom
pop-ups as reminders
port forwarding
port forwarding, firewalls
PPTP Client
PPTP Client, configuration
prelinking, performance and
printers, ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface)
printers, redirected
printers, unsupported
printing overview
private keys, generating
procmail, configuration, MTA
Procmail, recipes
procmail, usage
prompt, command-line, space saving
Public keys
public keys, generate
public keys, passwords and
Qingy, configuration
Qingy, installation 2nd
Qingy, login screens and
Qingy, session choices
Qingy, themes
QuickTime media format
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