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Newham C., Rosenblatt B. — Learning the bash Shell
Newham C., Rosenblatt B. — Learning the bash Shell

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Название: Learning the bash Shell

Авторы: Newham C., Rosenblatt B.


O'Reilly's bestselling book on Linux's bash shell is at it again. Now that Linux is an established player both as a server and on the desktop Learning the bash Shell has been updated and refreshed to account for all the latest changes. Indeed, this third edition serves as the most valuable guide yet to the bash shell. As any good programmer knows, the first thing users of the Linux operating system come face to face with is the shell the UNIX term for a user interface to the system. In other words, it's what lets you communicate with the computer via the keyboard and display. Mastering the bash shell might sound fairly simple but it isn't. In truth, there are many complexities that need careful explanation, which is just what Learning the bash Shell provides. If you are new to shell programming, the book provides an excellent introduction, covering everything from the most basic to the most advanced features. And if you've been writing shell scripts for years, it offers a great way to find out what the new shell offers. Learning the bash Shell is also full of practical examples of shell commands and programs that will make everyday use of Linux that much easier. With this book, programmers will learn:

* How to install bash as your login shell
* The basics of interactive shell use, including UNIX file and directory structures, standard I/O, and background jobs
* Command line editing, history substitution, and key bindings
* How to customize your shell environment without programming
* The nuts and bolts of basic shell programming, flow control structures, command-line options and typed variables
* Process handling, from job control to processes, coroutines and subshells
* Debugging techniques, such as trace and verbose modes
* Techniques for implementing system-wide shell customization and features related to system security

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 3rd

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 352

Добавлена в каталог: 04.03.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Interrupt key      
IPC (Interprocess Communication)      
j command, vi      2nd
Job control      2nd 3rd
job control, Bourne shell support      
job control, bringing background job to foreground      
job control, configuring      
job control, foreground jobs      
job control, listing running jobs      
job control, priority of jobs      
job control, resuming suspended jobs      
job control, sending foreground jobs to background      
job control, suspending jobs      
job number      
jobs command      2nd 3rd 4th
jobs command, -l option      
jobs command, -n option      
jobs command, -p option      2nd 3rd
jobs command, -r option      
jobs command, -s option      
jobs command, -x option      
jobs command, Bourne shell not supporting      
Joy, Bill      
k command, vi      2nd 3rd
key bindings, readline      2nd
keymap variable, readline      
keywords, processing on command line      
KILL command      2nd 3rd 4th
KILL signal      
killalljobs example      
Korn cd example      
Korn Shell      [See ksh]
ksh (Korn shell)      2nd
ksh (Korn shell), compared to bash      
ksh (Korn shell), public domain version of (pdksh)      
l command, vi      2nd
LANG environment variable      
LC_ALL environment variable      
LC_COLLATE environment variable      
LC_CTYPE environment variable      
LC_MESSAGES environment variable      
LC_NUMERIC environment variable      
Learning the UNIX Operating System (Peek, Todino, Strang)      
length operator      
less than sign (<)      
less than sign (<), <& (input redirection)
less than sign (<), <&- (input redirection)
less than sign (<), << (bit-shift left operator)
less than sign (<), << (here-document)      2nd
less than sign (<), <= (less than or equal to operator)
less than sign (<), <\\> (input/output redirection)
less than sign (<), input redirection
less than sign (<), less than operator
less than sign (<), redirecting input
less than sign (<), string comparison operator
let command      2nd
line continuation character      2nd
LINENO environment variable      2nd 3rd
LINES environment variable      2nd
lists, in for statement      
lithist shell option      
loadable built-in functions      
local command      2nd 3rd
local statement      
local variables      2nd 3rd
logging in, files read during      
Logging out      
logging out, CTRL-D for, disabling      
logging out, files executed during      
logical operators      2nd 3rd 4th
login directory      2nd [See also home directory]
login shell      
login shell, bash acting as      
login shell, changing      
login shell, installing bash as      2nd
logout command      2nd 3rd
loop variable      
looping construct      
looping construct, arithmetic for statement      2nd
looping construct, for statement      
looping construct, until statement      
looping construct, while statement      
ls by dates example      
ls command      2nd
ls command, -a option      2nd
ls command, -F option      
ls command, -l option      
ls command, -R option      
ls example      
MACHTYPE environment variable      
macros, readline editing interface      
MAIL environment variable      2nd 3rd
mail example      
mail header lines, deleting, example      
MAIL shell variable      
mail, notification if already read      
mail, shell variables for      
MAILCHECK environment variable      2nd
MAILPATH environment variable      2nd
mailwarn shell option      
make command      
make install script      
make script      
make tests command      
make utility example      
MANIFEST file, bash archive      
mark-directories variable, readline      
mark-modified-lines variable, readline      
memory, size limitations      
menus, select statement for      
meta-flag variable, readline      
metacharacters, processing on command line      
MKS Toolkit (Mortice Kern Systems)      
more command      2nd
MS-DOS, GNU tools for      
multibyte character support      
multiple copies example      
multitasking, user-controlled      
n command, vi      
named pipes      
navigating directories      
ndu (disk space usage) example      
negating wildcards      
nested subshells      
NetPBM utility package      2nd
NetPBM utility package, pnmcat utility      
NetPBM utility package, pnmmargin utility      
NetPBM utility package, pnmnlfilt utility      
NetPBM utility package, pnmscale utility      
NetPBM utility package, pnmtext utility      
NEWS file, bash archive      
newsgroups for bash      
nice command      
noclobber shell option      
noglob shell option      
nohup command      
nounset shell option      
nroff test formatter      
numbered parameter names      [See positional parameters]
O command, vi      
O'Reilly contact information      
OLDPWD environment variable      2nd
one-dimensional arrays      
online Help      
operators, arithmetic operators      
operators, assignment      
operators, for conditions      
operators, for conditions, arithmetic operators      2nd
operators, for conditions, file attribute operators      
operators, for conditions, string comparison operators      
operators, logical operators      
operators, relational operators      
operators, string operators      
OPTARG environment variable      2nd
OPTERR environment variable      
OPTIND environment variable      2nd
options      [See command-line options]
order of precedence      
order of precedence, for aliases      
order of precedence, for commands      
order of precedence, for functions      
order of precedence, for scripts      
order of precedence, in arithmetic expressions      
order of precedence, overriding      
order of precedence, POSIX      
orphan processes      
OSTYPE environment variable      
output files, as command-line options      
output redirection      [See I/O redirection]
Output, standard      2nd 3rd
output-meta variable, readline      
p command, vi      
Parameters      [See arguments]
parameters, positional      [See positional parameters]
parent directory      
parentheses (( ))      
parentheses (( )), ((...)) (arithmetic test)      2nd 3rd
parentheses (( )), command substitution      
parentheses (( )), grouping conditional operators      
parentheses (( )), in arithmetic expressions      
parentheses (( )), nested subshells      
PATH environment variable      2nd 3rd 4th
pathname expansion      
pathnames, expansion of      
pathnames, tilde (~) notation      2nd
pathnames, wildcards for      
pattern matching operators      
pattern matching operators, Bourne shell support      
pattern matching operators, extended      
pbmtext utility      
PC platforms, shells for      
pdksh (Public Domain Korn shell)      
Peek, Jerry (Learning the UNIX Operating System)      
percent sign (%)      
percent sign (%), %% (job most recently put in background)      
percent sign (%), %% (pattern-matching operator)      2nd
percent sign (%), %+ (job most recently put in background)      
percent sign (%), %- (job second-most recently put in background)      
percent sign (%), %? (job containing string)      
percent sign (%), job numbers      
percent sign (%), modulus operator      
percent sign (%), pattern-matching operator      
percent sign (%), printf format specifiers      2nd
percent sign (%), word designator      
permissions, default      
permissions, for scripts      
PID (process ID)      2nd
PID (process ID), determining      
PID (process ID), shell variable containing      
pipe character (^)      2nd
pipe character (|)      2nd
pipelines      2nd 3rd
pipelines, as coroutines      
pipelines, in command line processing      
pipelines, named pipes      
pipelines, system calls invoked by      
PIPESTATUS environment variable      
plus sign (+)      
plus sign (+), ++ (increment operatro)      
plus sign (+), addition operator      
plus sign (+), extended pattern-matching operator      
plus sign (+), printf flag      
plus sign (+), vi command      
plus sign (+), xtrace output      
PNM (Portable aNyMap) format      2nd
pnmcat utility      
pnmmargin utility, NetPBM      
pnmnlfilt utility, NetPBM      
pnmscale utility, NetPBM      
point, emacs editing mode      
popd command      2nd
popd command, +n option      
popd command, -N option      
popd command, Bourne shell not supporting      
popd command, Korn not supporting      
popd function example      2nd
Portable Anymap (PNM) format      2nd
positional parameters      
positional parameters, assignments using      2nd
positional parameters, command-line options and      
positional parameters, in functions      
POSIX regular expressions      
POSIX shell      2nd 3rd
POSIX, bash using      2nd
POSIXLY_CORRECT environment variable      
pound sign      [See hash mark]
PPID environment variable      
Practical UNIX and Internet Security (Spafford, Garfinkel)      
Precedence      [See order of precedence]
print command, Korn      
printer file filter example      
printf command      
printf command, Bourne shell support      
printf command, flags for      
printf command, format specifiers for      2nd
priority of jobs      
privileged mode      
Procedures      [See functions]
process id (PID)      
process ID (PID), determining      
process ID (PID), shell variable containing      
process substitution      2nd
Processes      [See also signals]
processes, listing information about      
processes, parallelization of      
processes, simultaneous (coroutines)      
processes, system resources used by      
processes, zombies or orphans      
profile, customizing      
profile, environment file and      
profile, environment variables in      
profile, ignoring      
profile, restricted      
programmable completion      2nd
programming language, choosing      
programming, shell      [See scripts]
Programs      [See executable files]
prompt string customizations      
prompting shell variables      
PROMPT_COMMAND environment variable      
ps command      
ps command, -a option      
ps command, -ax option      
ps command, -e option      
PS1 environment variable      2nd 3rd 4th
PS2 environment variable      2nd 3rd
PS3 environment variable      2nd 3rd
PS4 environment variable      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
pushd command      2nd
pushd command, +n option      
pushd command, -N option      
pushd command, Bourne shell not supporting      
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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