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Cabrera l.-F., Kurt C. — Web Services Architecture and Its Specifications: Essentials for Understanding WS-*
Cabrera l.-F., Kurt C. — Web Services Architecture and Its Specifications: Essentials for Understanding WS-*

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Название: Web Services Architecture and Its Specifications: Essentials for Understanding WS-*

Авторы: Cabrera l.-F., Kurt C.


Whether you’re evaluating, planning, architecting, or building a Web services implementation, this concise guide brings together the essential information and resources you need about the specifications that define the Web services architecture—from two of its key architects. Authors Cabrera and Kurt deliver an expert architectural overview and examine infrastructure protocols to help you understand the principles behind the design and the overall coherence of the suite of protocols. For each of the core technologies, you’ll find succinct descriptions and scenario-based examples that illustrate how and when to use a particular WS-* specification.

Get concise descriptions, expert insights, and examples to help you:

•Understand the infrastructure protocols defining the Web services architecture—and extend your programming dexterity

•Determine what protocols to use and how to compose them within the architecture

•Use WSDL and WS-Policy to define formal policies and requirements for communication among services

•Support highly dynamic program-to-program interactions, which may be co-located at a computer or distributed across a network

•Implement a range of distributed systems, including synchronous and asynchronous messaging systems, mobile networked systems, and peer-to-peer environments

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 192

Добавлена в каталог: 04.03.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
WS-Policy, Infoset representations      2nd
WS-Policy, metadata use of      2nd
WS-Policy, purpose of      
WS-Policy, School of Fine Art example      
WS-Policy, scopes of      
WS-Policy, subjects      
WS-Policy, WS-AtomicTransaction use of      
WS-ReliableMessaging (WS-RM)      
WS-SecureConversation, Action URI references      
WS-SecureConversation, example      
WS-SecureConversation, purpose      
WS-SecureConversation, security context establishment      
WS-Security, assertion proof requirement      
WS-Security, attacks against      
WS-Security, authentication      2nd 3rd 4th
WS-Security, authorization      2nd
WS-Security, autonomous services implications      
WS-Security, Basic Security Profile      
WS-Security, claims      
WS-Security, confidentiality      2nd 3rd
WS-Security, contexts      
WS-Security, domains      
WS-Security, encryption for      [See encryption]
WS-Security, end-to-end message security requirements      
WS-Security, existing approaches, reuse of      
WS-Security, extensibility of      
WS-Security, identities      
WS-Security, integrity      2nd
WS-Security, message-level      2nd
WS-Security, models supported      
WS-Security, overview of      
WS-Security, policies      [See WS-Policy]
WS-Security, principals      
WS-Security, referencing XML entities      
WS-Security, School of Fine Art example      
WS-Security, serialization issues      
WS-Security, sign-out operations      
WS-Security, signatures for      [See signatures]
WS-Security, system federations      
WS-Security, tokens      [See tokens security]
WS-Security, transport-level, limitations of      
WS-Security, trust      [See WS-Trust]
WS-Security, WS-Federation      
WS-Security, WS-SecureConversation      2nd
WS-Security, X.509      2nd
WS-Security, XML Signature      
WS-Transfer, Action URI references      
WS-Transfer, Create messages      
WS-Transfer, CreateResponse messages      
WS-Transfer, creation process      
WS-Transfer, Delete messages      
WS-Transfer, DeleteResponse messages      
WS-Transfer, editing collections      
WS-Transfer, factories      2nd
WS-Transfer, Get messages      
WS-Transfer, GetResponse messages      
WS-Transfer, purpose      2nd
WS-Transfer, Put messages      
WS-Transfer, PutResponse messages      
WS-Transfer, RelatesTo elements      
WS-Transfer, WS-Management with      
WS-Trust, Action URI references      
WS-Trust, brokering extensions      
WS-Trust, claim designation      
WS-Trust, exchange scenario specifications      
WS-Trust, lifetime management of tokens      
WS-Trust, message sequence for      
WS-Trust, purpose of      
WS-Trust, request/response protocol      
WS-Trust, RequestSecurityToken messages      
WS-Trust, RequestSecurityTokenResponse messages      
WS-Trust, School of Fine Art example      
WS-Trust, Security Token Service      
WS-Trust, validation messages      
WS-Trust, WS-Federation example      
WS-Trust, WS-SecureConversation with      
WSDL (Web Services Description Language)      
WSDL (Web Services Description Language), binding elements      
WSDL (Web Services Description Language), definitions      
WSDL (Web Services Description Language), message format notation      
WSDL (Web Services Description Language), metadata use of      
WSDL (Web Services Description Language), namespace references      
WSDL (Web Services Description Language), operation specification      
WSDL (Web Services Description Language), part names      
WSDL (Web Services Description Language), ports      
WSDL (Web Services Description Language), portType elements      
WSDL (Web Services Description Language), RPC/Encoded encoding      
WSDL (Web Services Description Language), School of Fine Art example      
WSDL (Web Services Description Language), service elements      
WSDL (Web Services Description Language), type schemas      
WSDL (Web Services Description Language), WS-Eventing, annotation for      
WSDL (Web Services Description Language), XML Schema with      
X.509, message body encryption example      
X.509, Profile covering      
X.509, tokens      
XML Encryption      
XML schema      
XML Schema, metadata use of      
XML Schema, WSDL message format specification      
XML Signature      
XML, Attribute information items      
XML, attributes      
XML, binary data in messages with      
XML, canonicalization      2nd
XML, character information items      
XML, comment information items      
XML, components      
XML, document information items      
XML, Element information items      
XML, elements      
XML, encryption      
XML, Information Set      [See Infosets]
XML, message specification with      
XML, namespace information items      2nd
XML, namespaces      
XML, schemas      
XML, School of Fine Art example      
XML, wire representation example      
XML, XOP      [See XOP (XML-binary Optimized Packaging)]
XOP (XML-binary Optimized Packaging)      
XOP (XML-binary Optimized Packaging), defined      
XOP (XML-binary Optimized Packaging), mustUnderstand attribute with      
XOP (XML-binary Optimized Packaging), ZIP attachments with      
ZIP file attachments      
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